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“ThankGodit’sFriday.Isn’t that how the saying goes?” I asked as I set the bubbling lasagna on the table.

“Pretty sure that only applies to the people who don’t work on Saturday,” Erin replied with a laugh.

“Does school count?” Libby asked.

“Yes,” Erin said.

“Then thank God it’s Friday!” she loudly announced, slapping her hand down onto the table. “I’m glad I don’t have school tomorrow. Or work, either.”

I laughed. “Since when do you ever have work you need to do?”

“I have my chores.”

“You’re going to do those tomorrow though, even though it’s Saturday.”

“Yeah, but those don’t count,” she said.

I shook my head and looked at Erin, who only shrugged. “She’s your daughter,” she told me. “You try to argue with that logic.”

“I don’t think I can,” I said. “But hey, if you aren’t working tomorrow, then I will say thank God it’s Friday all day for you.”

“Thank you,” Libby said.

Erin laughed. “Are you working tomorrow?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I’m going to have to get at least one chapter done if I want to feel good about my progress this week.”

“I feel like we were able to get a lot done,” she said.

If Libby wasn’t there, I would make some sort of dirty comment about how much sex we’d had over the week, but with my daughter present, I could only agree with what Erin said.

“I figured I would get another couple chapters done, but today just got away from me,” I said. “So, I’ll have to make up for it tomorrow.”

“Aw well,” Erin said. “At least we’re going to be here to keep you company, right?”

“Right,” I grinned.

I served the lasagna to both the girls first, then I took my own portion. Erin was spooning the mixed veggies on the plates as well, then she took the empty pot to the sink before returning to sit down. But, even with the conversation flowing around the table, I felt there was something off about Erin.

She was keeping the same smile on her face she normally did, but I still sensed there was something on her mind.

“Are you okay?” I asked at last.

“What do you mean?” she replied.

“I don’t know, it just seems like you’re distracted or something. I don’t mean to pry, I just wondered if there was anything you wanted to talk about,” I said with a shrug. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I wanted to make sure you knew you could.”

“As it turns out, there is something I wanted to talk to you about,” Erin said.

My heart skipped a beat in my chest. I didn’t react externally, but in my world, those words never led to anything good. Still, I wasn’t going to let on that I was worried. I didn’t want her to feel like she was wrong for coming to me about something. It had to be something outside of our relationship, however, if she was going to talk about it with Libby right here.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“I was hoping I could bring my friend Krissy down here to visit soon,” she said. “And I was wondering how you would feel if she stayed here when she did? It feels to me like it would be the most comfortable for her, especially since she’s going to be coming all the way down here just for me.”

I thought for a second. With the way Erin was watching me, I knew she was thinking the same thing about this that I was. There wasn’t an issue with her friend coming to visit – except for the fact that we hadn’t gone public with our relationship. It had been difficult enough for us to keep it from Libby, and she was still young enough it wasn’t likely she was paying much attention to romance.

But if her best friend were to come, then there would be a whole new person in the house that we would have to sneak around, not to mention someone who knew Erin well, and could probably figure out if there was something going on that Erin hadn’t mentioned before. I didn’t know this Krissy, and I wasn’t sure how she would take the news if she found out that I was in a romantic relationship with her best friend.
