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“Right,” I said. “But I also know my best friend. He’s your dad, he’s been my brother from another mother forever. He might not be thrilled, but he’s not going to cut us out of his life, I would stake my own life on that.”

“Still,” she said. “It’s not a conversation I want to have.”

“I know,” I said. “But let’s not worry about that just yet. Right now, we’re both happy with what we’re doing, and until Krissy gets here, we can keep things just the way they are, right?”

“Yes,” Erin grinned. “And I would like to keep it that way, too.”

“Me too,” I told her, pulling her naked body against mine. I knew I had fallen for her, hard. It wasn’t going to be easy to sell the rest of the world on this relationship, but I knew we would be fine. I didn’t give up on the people I loved, and I had fallen in love with Erin.

Her dad was stubborn and opinionated, but he loved her more than anything. He would come around to the idea, I was sure of it.

At least, I hoped he would.

But only time would tell.

Chapter Twenty-Six


ThefollowingTuesday,Ifinally had the chance to call Krissy again.

I texted her to let her know Neils was fine with her staying with us, but I still wanted to call and talk to her to work out more of the details. I was on my way to pick Libby up from school, so I figured it was as good a time as any to call.

“I got you permission, so when are you coming down?” I asked her.

“Um, how does next weekend sound?” she asked with excitement in her voice. “I can fly in one week from Friday.”

“Perfect,” I said. “I’ll tell Neils and make sure the room is ready for you. God, I can’t wait. It’s been way too long.”

“You’re telling me,” she said. “It’s like we blink, and another six months is gone. like, just gone.”

“I guess that’s what parents mean when they say if you blink you miss it,” I said. “You should see my diary these days. I’ve been writing down literally everything, and I feel like I’m going to fill it up before the end of this adventure.”

“Right,” she replied. “I can’t wait to meet these people you’ve been spending all your time with, too.”

“Me too,” I said. “You’re going to love them. Libby’s excited to meet you, and I know Neils will love you, too.”

“I can’t wait!”

We talked for a few minutes longer, then the school came into view. I had to wrap up the conversation, though I was glad to know now when she was going to be here to visit. I wasn’t sure if I would tell Libby right away, or if I was going to let it be a surprise. Either way, I had to be off the phone to get her.

I scanned the playground, wondering where she was. She had worn her short sleeve shirt to school that morning, though she insisted on putting a hoodie on over the top. I counted it a victory she had put on the short sleeve shirt, so I didn’t comment on the hoodie.

But I had no idea what to say when I found her sobbing around the corner of the school.

“Libby? Honey what’s wrong?” I asked as I rushed over to her. “Are you hurt? What happened?”

Her hoodie was unzipped and about halfway down her arms, and she yanked at the sleeve to pull it up and over her scars as I approached. She didn’t look at me, and I knelt down beside her.

“What’s going on? Talk to me,” I coaxed.

“I tried taking off my hoodie today,” she said at last. “The teacher said I should give it a shot because it was so sunny earlier, and I figured I was feeling good in my shirt, so I did. I kept my hoodie with me in case I changed my mind, but I took it off.”

“Why, Libby, that’s great!” I praised her. “You should be proud of yourself for that, you know? There’s nothing to be upset about.”

She gave me a look, and I cocked my head slightly to the side.

“Then the bullies showed up,” she said.
