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“I’m sure he’s been here before,” I told her. “And I bet you anything he’s even brought you here with him when he did.”

“I don’t remember,” Libby said. “If he did, it was a long time ago.”

“This is the first time I’ve ever been here,” Krissy volunteered. “So, this is all new to me, but I bet anyone living around here would definitely want to visit.”

“Either way, Libby, I’m sure your dad would still want to come here again,” I said.

“He’d love the view!” Libby yelled as she took off running toward another lookout point. We were taking our time on our walk, checking out all the lookout points along the trail, and drinking in the breathtaking views that unfolded before us each time. The Dry Tortugas were a sight to behold, and I could tell Libby was enjoying herself.

Not to mention the fact this gave me ample space away from Neils and my dad, so I felt I could talk to Krissy privately, without worrying at all about whether my dad could hear. I didn’t know how to bring it up at first, but I decided as we were coming to the end of our self-guided tour that I better tell her, or I wasn’t going to have the chance.

“So,” I said.

“So?” she asked.

“It’s been a while since you’ve asked me anything about Neils,” I replied. “I was sure you’d be all over asking me once you got here and saw with your own eyes what he looks like in person.”

“Well,” Krissy said, “If you want me to ask about it, then you must have something to tell me.”


“What’s going on?”

“You’re not going to believe it.”

“Try me.”

“We’re dating,” I said with a smirk.

“Shut. Up,” she gasped. “No way!”

“It’s true,” I replied. “I don’t know how it really happened, but it was like one day we just crossed that line, and now here we are.”

“You think it’s love?” she asked.

“I don’t think it is, I know it is,” I told her. “And you know what?”


“I am sure I love him, too.”

“Damn it, Erin!” she snapped at me.

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect as a reaction from her, but I didn’t think she was going to be upset. I felt confused, but I wasn’t going to back down. I loved Neils, I knew I did, and I wasn’t going to let what other people think tear us apart.

At least, that’s what I had told myself when I started this conversation.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“How long has this been going on?” she replied, answering my question with a question of her own.

“I don’t know, how long has which part been going on?” I asked.

“Don’t play dumb with me. How long has it been since you started being involved with him, Erin?” she demanded.

“We first made out about two or two and a half months ago,” I replied. “I don’t know how long it’s been since we officially started calling ourselves a couple, but it’s been over a month I know.”

“And you didn’t tell me?”
