Page 18 of Kieran

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Kieran got to the scene in record time, thanks to breaking every speed limit. When he approached the car, Kieran saw Brooklyn’s unconscious body slumped against the steering wheel. Was his mate dead?

His heart hammered as he used his brute strength to yank open the locked car door. Then breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Brooklyn’s chest rise and fall, even though it was shallow. His gaze darted to Brooklyn’s neck, which was bloody and bruised. The vampire had taken more than a mouthful.

The sight made his blood boil as he gently scooped Brooklyn out of the car, his heart breaking at the sight of his mate’s pale face. He could hear Brooklyn’s heartbeat, but it was weak. Kieran knew he had to act fast. He carried Brooklyn to his own car, laying him carefully on the back seat.

Kieran jumped into the driver’s seat and sped toward home. He called ahead, telling Rayne what happened. When he got there, Rayne was in the driveway. “How is he?”

“He lost a lot of blood.” Kieran lifted Brooklyn and carried him inside. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to help him.”

“Breathe, Kieran,” Rayne said. “You got this.”

Kieran took his mate to his bedroom, laid him on the bed, then shifted into his wolf. He climbed onto the bed and started licking Brooklyn’s wound, the whole time praying the wound would start to heal.

That wasn’t the only issue at hand. Brooklyn needed blood.

As if reading his mind, Rayne walked in with a bag of blood in his hand. “I’ll set up his transfusion while you heal the damage.”

In the event of an emergency, they had a stockpile of universal blood on hand. It paid to be cautious when hunting vampires. Kieran continued to lick the wound as he watched Rayne set up an IV.

It also helped that Rayne had some medical training. Before he’d become the alpha of hunters, he’d gone to medical school. He’d walked away from his schooling, for reason’s Kieran didn’t know, but he did know that Rayne came from money.

That was how he paid his pack for their hunting services.

“We just have to give this time, Kieran.” His alpha caressed Kieran’s head. “Brooklyn will pull through.”

Kieran returned his attention to Brooklyn’s wound. He felt so helpless, knowing he had only so much time to make sure Brooklyn was healed before he went into shock or even died.

He heard Rayne leave the room and head downstairs. Kieran continued to lick, pushing his healing energy through his tongue. Brooklyn looked so fucking pale.

Slowly but surely Kieran felt the edges of the wound close up. When he was sure the neck wound had fully healed, Kieran shifted back into his human form and curled himself around his mate.

Red-hot rage rose inside him like a tidal wave. Kieran was going to hunt the vampire down and tear skin from bone. He had the vampire’s scent since he’d licked Brooklyn’s wound, and Kieran would use that to find the bastard.

A soft knock landed on the door, and then Cable slipped inside. “How is he?”

“Pale and weak.” Kieran got up and stared down at Brooklyn’s small form. “As soon as I know he’s out of the woods, I’m going hunting.”

“Figured as much. Logan and I will go with you. I’m willing to bet it was one of Fayez’s coven members. They’ve gotten out of control.”

Kieran was willing to bet the same thing.

When Cable walked out, Kieran sat at his mate’s bedside, his vigil unbroken. Brooklyn’s slim body lay still on the bed, a blanket pulled up to his chest. Kieran’s eyes never left his mate’s thin, pale face. He was still stunned that his mate was even alive.

He didn’t know how long he sat there, hours maybe, but a slight movement of Brooklyn’s eyelids made him jump up. He shot off the chair next to the bed and grasped his mate’s hand. “Brooklyn? Can you hear me?”

A soft moan escaped Brooklyn’s parted lips as his eyes fluttered open. “Kieran?”

“I’m here, sweetheart.” Kieran gently stroked his mate’s cheek as relief flooded him.

Brooklyn licked his lips. “Water.”

Kieran grabbed the glass on the nightstand and helped his mate’s lips to the edge of the glass. Brooklyn took several sips then passed out again.

Two hours later, Brooklyn woke up again.

“Hey, you’re awake.” Kieran smiled as he stroked his mate’s hair. “How are you feeling, babe?”
