Page 40 of Just Exes

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Jay slamshis tray down on the table and takes the seat across from me in the hospital cafeteria. “FYI, my husband is pissed at you.”

I drop my fork in my salad. “What? Why?”

“He has yet to receive an update on the ex situation. It’s imperative he knows if you’ve had sex with him yet.”

“No,” I answer around a groan. “There will be no us having sex. In case you’ve failed to remember, he had his date in the car with us!”

“And he couldn’t have given a shit about her. He was at Clayton’sfor you.He took you homefor him.For his own peace of mind that you’d be safe. I’ll bet he dropped his date off and went home alone.”

Not exactly alone. But I won’t be divulging that information.

“Behind all of that pissed-off, hard facade, Gage is a caring man who’ll always think about my safety. That’s who he is. He’s a police officer. It’s his duty.”

“True, but he also does it because he loves you.” He sighs. “You loved him at one point. Those feelings were there, and from what it looked like at dinner, they still are.”

“That’s not true.”

“When’s the last time you went on a date?”

“My job is my boyfriend. Saving people’s lives is my orgasm. This is where I spend all of my time. You know that.”

“So, why not date someone who works here? The doctors talk. I know how many people in this building have asked you out.”

“I’m not interested in dating, and FYI, I’ve slept with someone I work with, so I’m not depriving myself of orgasms,” I lie. I’ve never even gone on a date with someone from the hospital.

“Who was it?” He stares at me. “Tell me it wasn’t Pete from ortho.”

I draw a line over my lips and fake zip.

It wasn’t Pete from ortho.

It was Victor, my vibrator, courtesy of Amazon Prime.

* * *

I cannot waitto shower and sleep this shift away.

The lights are on at the loft when I pull into the drive.

Gage must’ve forgotten to turn them off after he fixed the shower. Unless I left them on, which wouldn’t surprise me, given I’m supposedly a lousy tenant and all. If this place goes up in flames, I’m for sure getting locked up.

There’s no sign of life in the main house, but Gage’s truck is here, so he must be in bed. I walk through the front door and start stripping out of my scrubs. I didn’t check myself in the mirror before leaving work, but I know my eyes are puffy, and hints of mascara are running down my cheeks.

I’m rubbing my eyes and yawning as I make my way into the bathroom and then let out a full-on dramatic scream.

Gage is standing in front of me with a smile on his face, wiping his wet hands off on a towel. I’m in my bra and panties. I repeat, I’m in my bra and panties in front of my ex-boyfriend, and they’re suddenly more soaked than what I’ll be when I get in the shower. He’s shirtless, and remnants of water are running down his fit chest.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, catching my breath.

“Fixing your shower,” he says, pointing to the tub. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I should’ve given you a heads-up that I’d be here, but I don’t have your number. I had a long day, and this was the first free minute I had.”

“It’s no problem.”

He hands me a towel. “Trust me, babe, there’s nothing on you I haven’t seen before. To be more specific, I’ve seenmuch more.” He chuckles and licks his lips. “I also know what you taste like.”

“I can say the same for you,” I whisper.

He wipes the side of his mouth. “Kyle is convinced we’re going to have sex.”
