Page 90 of Just Exes

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I’ve caught the attention of my family, and all eyes are on me. I notice my dad getting up from his table to see what’s going on.

“It’s Andy,” Amos spits out. “Gage came charging into the house and said they … they found Andy’s body. He packed a bag, left, and said he’d answer my questions later.”

My heart sinks in my chest. “Oh my God. Where’s he now?”

“On his way to the airport.”

Gage never gave information on what had happened after Missy suffocated Andy, and I never exactly had the chance to ask any further questions.

I help Amos to the front porch and situate him in a chair. “Do you need a ride?” I rush out. “You can come with me. Let me grab a bag.”

I don’t think twice before running to my bedroom and throwing clothes into a carry-on. Amos is talking to my parents when I walk out. Their faces are sympathetic. I don’t know how much Amos told them, but I can’t imagine he would spill the news about Andy without Gage’s consent.

“It’s not exactly safe for me to fly,” Amos says as Hudson and Stella join us on the porch. “I have my truck, a full tank of gas, and am not scared of getting a speeding ticket to take someone there.”

I look at my family in torment.

What do I do?Ditch my brother on his wedding day or go track down the man I’m in love with,who’s going through something unbearable?

“Go,” Hudson says.

“I’ll drive you two,” my father adds.

“Do you know anything else?” I ask Amos when we get into my dad’s truck.

He shakes his head. “He got the call, packed his bags, and left for the airport.”

I grab my phone and hit Gage’s name. It rings a few times before going straight to voice mail. I smack the glove compartment.


I call him again. Voice mail.

This isn’t the time to be angry with me, Gage Perry.

“No answer?” Amos asks from the backseat.

I shake my head.

“I told him,” Amos says.

I glance back at him. “Told him what?”

He clears his throat as I silently stare at him. “What I asked you to do.”

No. Why?

“Amos, you didn’t have to do that.”

“While I appreciate your word, it was time I did. I robbed my son of years of happiness, and I needed to own up to my actions. Had I not selfishly asked you to leave him, he would’ve never moved to Chicago, would’ve never met Missy, and would’ve never gone through this hell. Andy might’ve moved in with a different family and had a mother who wasn’t mentally ill. My son wouldn’t be bearing these burdens today. He wouldn’t be on his way to see his dead son’s body had I not asked you to do that. I knew it’d tear him apart, losing you, but I was selfish.”

“Amos, none of those things can be blamed on you or Gage.”

“I know what it feels like to lose someone you love too early. I was selfish and should be blamed.”


