Page 91 of Just Exes

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My mind is racing.

My flight can’t come fast enough.

Minutes feel like hours.

Luke has been regularly updating me, but there hasn’t been much information.

A boy's body was found in the lake where Missy’s car had been seen earlier on the day of Andy's disappearance, even though she has denied disposing of his body there. Her story changed dozens of times, and it was hard for police to keep up.

My little boy’s body had been in that lake for all this time.

I shudder, wishing I could’ve been the one to go through that pain instead of him. Missy should’ve saved my little boy and taken me. Killed the person she was angry with, not a little man who was obsessed with Spider-Man and watched too many episodes ofSpongeBob Squarepants.Man, what I would do to be hanging out on the couch, watching that with him.

Missy left him there to decay in a shitty-ass lake like the heartless bitch she is. She left his body for two fishermen to find early one morning.

Call me a bad dude, but she’s a fucking bitch. Period. Point-fucking-blank. Missy is the only woman I’d ever call that name, and she deserves it. She deserves a stronger punishment than prison. I hope what she did haunts her until she takes her last breath.

I’ll be present at every appeal her attorney files, fighting for my boy who never got a chance. Andy was my sunshine after Lauren left me in the dark. Those five years I had with him kept me going, woke me up, and made me look forward to the day, and in the end, I was his death.

“Missy’s father booked you a private flight,” Luke says when I answer his call.

I grit my teeth. “Decline. I want nothing from that motherfucker.”

“Take it, bro. No doubt, I wanted to tell him the same and hang up on his ass, but my love for you stopped me. It’ll get you here faster, and I know you want that more than anything.”

“That’s the problem!” My voice rises and breaks at the same time. “I’ll never be able to be with him again.”

Luke doesn’t reply, not trying to push it and giving me plenty of time to calm down. He gets my pain. He knows no words will ever heal my grief. I’ve been waiting yet dreading this day since Missy admitted to hurting him. Finding him will at least give me the answers that have been killing me.

I went to that lake for weeks, dragging Luke with me, but we never found anything.

There will always be a part of me that knows I could’ve saved him, should’ve done more when the signs of Missy’s breakdown started to come through, when I realized she hated me for what I couldn’t give her.

“The flight leaves in five minutes. I’ll text you the info.”

I snatch my bags and follow the directions in the text.

Twenty minutes later, I’m boarding a private plan.



“It’sthe only flight to Chicago,” I tell Willow over the phone, nearly out of breath from walking around the airport in search of him. “Unless he’s hiding out in the restroom, I can’t find him.” I do another scan of the waiting area. “Should I check in there?”

“If you don’t mind seeing random men’s cocks pissing in urinals, go right ahead,” she answers. “Your brother followed me into the women’s restroom there once.”

“No details, please. I don’t want a conversation that consists of cocks and my brother.”

“Do you think Gage might’ve taken a private jet?”

“A private jet?” I snort. “Gage doesn’t have access to those types of luxuries.”

“You never know. Let me see what I can do, okay? I have connections with people who can look up flights. I did it for Stella all the time. Call you back.”

“Thank you, Willow.”

“And, whenever you’re ready to talk about it, I’m here.”
