Page 31 of Just Roommates

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He nods. “Good girl. You need to get rid of the one you have now.” He rubs his hands together before ducking down and grabbing me a bottle of water. “The guest bedroom in my apartment is open, and you can work here.”

Whoa.Definitely wasn’t expecting that.

“That’s …” I unscrew the bottle cap and take a drink. “That’s …”

“An offer, Sierra. Take it or leave it.” He’s not insulted by my response. “I’m helping a friend.”


I raise a brow. “Is that what we are? Friends again?”

“We’ve always been friends … after you quit being annoying and sneaking into my bar.”

I sigh. “I appreciate the offer but don’t know if it’s a stellar idea.”

“If you change your mind, let me know.”

* * *

“I swearon my shoe collection, that asshole isn’t stepping foot in my apartment,” Ellie says after I decline her offer to stay at her apartment. “You won’t need to worry about seeing him because I’ll kick his ass before he makes it through the front door.”

I called an hour ago and asked her to meet me at our favorite taco joint outside of town. She was as stunned as I was when I broke the news about Devin and Louise’s restroom field trip. I’d been nervous about going out in public, in fear of a breakdown, but I’ve stayed strong.

Each time I almost cry, I take a tequila shot instead.

It’s working perfectly.

“While I appreciate your loyalty, kicking his ass will only lead to problems with you and Corbin,” I tell her.

She lifts her margarita. “Corbin will be lucky if I allow him to hang out with a man who has no issues with banging tramps in restrooms.”

“I’ll figure something out. If worse comes to worse, I’ll be at your doorstep.”

Do I tell her about Maliki’s offer?


She’ll go into full freak-out mode. It wouldn’t surprise me if she suggested I screw Maliki, tape it, and then send the video to Devin. Ellie loves a good revenge.

“You swear?”

I nod. “I swear.”

“What are your options then? Moving home?”

“Not if I can help it. Hopefully, I can find a rental.”

“Good luck with that in Blue Beech. Finding a rental there is like snagging a golden ticket to Wonka’s factory. The people never leave their homes. They pass them down through generations like bad genetics.”

I press my palms to my temples. “Ugh, I know.”

“Where are you crashing tonight? The offer is open for my place even if it’s only temporary.”

I chew on my lower lip, tasting the lingering tequila. “Undecided. Can you drop me off at Down Home? I told Maliki I’d help him close and then ask Kyle if I can crash at his place.”

She grins. “She runs to her prince in bartending armor.”

I throw a chip at her. “Shut up. I’m not running to anyone.”
