Page 107 of Unforgettable

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“I sure hope so, Wingtip,” she whispers.

I grin and lean in to kiss her the way I’ve wanted to for so long. Her arms tighten around my neck, her hands tugging my hair, and we get lost in each other, barely coming out of our fog when applause erupts around us.

We part reluctantly and turn to see a small crowd cheering for us as they clap. Whistles fill the lobby and I see Rosie running out the front door. She’s not the only one hightailing it out of here.

“Sunny Side is about to get a mad rush right around closing time,” Scarlett says. “Serves Jo right.”

“Should we head over there and set the record straight ourselves?”

She grins. “Absolutely.”

We walk hand in hand to her car and she tosses me the keys. I open the passenger side for her, taking the opportunity to kiss the back of her neck and her cheek before she gets in. She lifts her lips to mine and then pulls away when it heats up.

“We’re on a mission,” she reminds me.

“Almost forgot.”

I drive as fast as I can and there’s only one parking spot in the Sunny Side lot. Scarlett laughs when she sees the crowd inside.

“Grinny will be sad she missed this.”

The patrons of Sunny Side are so focused on arguing about who got there first that they don’t notice us.

“Scarlett!” Grinny says in surprise. Her eyes widen when she sees me and she winks. “Speak of the devil.”

“Don’t tell me you’re part of this bet too,” Scarlett says, laughing.

“No, but…Helen dragged me here when she caught wind of…happenings.” Grinny smirks and lifts an eyebrow at me. “She wanted me to manage the crowd to make sure she got to the front, but she managed that all by herself.”

She points and we turn to see Helen, pounding her tiny fist on Jo’s counter. Lar and Mar are behind her scowling, I guess because they know they don’t stand a chance behind Helen.

“How did all of these people get here before Rosie?” Scarlett turns to me, her eyes wide.

I clear my throat and put my fingers between my lips, the whistle piercing through the noise. Everyone turns to look at me and when they see me with Scarlett, there’s a whole new buzz of excitement that carries throughout the restaurant.

“We thought we’d come and settle this wager once and for all,” I say, taking Scarlett’s hand in mine.

A few cheers erupt and I lift my other hand, grinning as I silence them.

“I didn’t know my heart was up for grabs,” I start, pausing when a few people chuckle, “but when I met Scarlett, everything changed.”

“Awww,” rumbles through the room.

I lift her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles. “I have tunnel vision for this woman right here, so all bets are off. Scarlett Landmark has my heart.”

“What about you, Scarlett?” Jo shouts from the back. “Does Jamison have your heart too?”

Scarlett’s cheeks tinge with pink and she squeezes my hand before nodding.

“Completely,” she says.

I put my hands on either side of her face and kiss her as the restaurant celebrates. It’s hard to pull away from her, but I want to say something else while I have everyone’s attention.

I squeeze Scarlett’s hand, our fingers threading together, and I look at her as I say the next part. I want to see her face.

“And you’re looking at the newest official resident of Landmark…”

Her mouth drops and she puts her hand over her mouth. I put my arm around her and she leans into me.
