Page 19 of Unforgettable

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“No, he doesn’t. He knows we’re just friends.”

She rolls her eyes at me and I shake my head.

“He does,” I insist.

We pause in front of the door of the shop and she opens it for the cute couple I helped check in last night. They smile when they recognize me.

“We went to The Pink Ski like you suggested,” the girl says. “And stuck with the pizza.” She laughs. “It was so good. Maybe we’ll go back and get more daring with the bison or Rocky Mountain oysters…”

Her husband makes a face and shakes his head. “Or maybe just have the pizza again.”

“It’s your vacation—you shouldn’t eat anything you don’t want.” I nod at Holly as she squeezes my shoulder and heads inside the shop. “I don’t think I told you about The Gnarly Vine. If you enjoy fine wine and the most amazing charcuterie board selections, you’ll love it.”

“That sounds great. We’ll give it a try. Thanks, Scarlett.”

“No problem.” I smile at them and walk back to the lodge, wondering for the millionth time what I’ll do when I don’t have this.




Scarlett pauses when she sees me standing outside her office and then reluctantly walks toward me.

“What’s up?” she asks.

“Do you have time now to talk?”

Her eyes skirt past my shoulder, looking at everything but me. “I—” Her shoulders drop slightly and she motions toward her door. “Sure, why not.”

I grin, nervous energy coursing through my body the way it does every time she’s close.

“Great,” I chirp and inwardly groan. I was going for nonchalant but still sounded way too excited.

I’m not gonna lie, it’s got me shaken up. These nerves, the excitement I get when I see her, when I justthinkabout her…it’s confusing as hell.

And what’s even more confusing is that she’s not softening. She’s not flirting back or smiling longingly…she’s barely looking at me.

Not to be the world’s biggest asshole, but I don’t struggle with women.

I keep things fun and light, and always,alwaysleave them wanting more. I make it clear that I’m not looking for anything serious, and sure, that’s caused some tension when a woman thinks she’ll change my mind and that I don’t really mean it about her, but…I’ve never even considered changing my mind.

I didn’t make up how good that night was. I didn’t. She told me over and over how it was the best anyone had ever made her feel, and maybe that’s just what she says in the heat of the moment, but I felt her pleasure firsthand on my fingers and my dick, watched her lose herself as she cried out my name over and over.

I adjust myself when she walks past me to sit behind her desk and sit down across from her, trying to school my thoughts. But fuck me, she’s just so fucking beautiful.

She folds her hands in front of her and fixes her gaze somewhere around my chin. I clear my throat and lean in, my forearms on her desk. She swallows hard and her fingers twist together.

“Why didn’t you take the lodge?” I blurt out.

Her brown eyes fly to mine, caught too off guard to hide her surprise. A tiny frown gradually deepens between her eyebrows.

“I wasn’t given a choice. My grandfather’s will was an old one and the option was it either went to my brothers or they sold it. All of them are doing well for themselves, but they didn’t have the capital or the passion a project of this magnitude needs…” She shrugs. “And I’ve worked here for practically nothing for most of my life.” She lifts her finger. “Not nothing. My grandparents covered my schooling and I stay in condo seventeen for free. As you’ve probably seen, I make close to what Albert makes, which was high praise in Granddad’s eyes…”

“But he doesn’t do even close to what you do around here from what I can tell,” I jump in.

She shrugs. “It hasn’t been about the money for me, ever. I love this place, it’s something that belongs—belonged—to my family and therefore, it’s been important to me.” Her voice drifts off. “And now, it’s yours.”
