Page 36 of Unforgettable

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No way.

“Cecil, you’re saving my life,” I tell him, taking one and holding it up.

There are some fun and even classy Hawaiian shirts out there—I’ve bought some for Pappy before—but this is…something else. A mountain and jungle scene combined, so many colors…and flamingos. Lots and lots of them. Too many to count are flying, and then two large ones face each other, front and center. Four smaller ones stand in the water below.

It’s a lot. Unfortunately, it’s the only one in my size.

There’s a smaller shirt with tacos, palm trees, and tropical flowers all over it that isn’t bad and Bigfoot with a surfboard that’s actually the best one, but the parrots sipping cocktails is one of the tackiest shirts I’ve ever seen.

“It’s my lucky day,” I say under my breath.

“Well, all right then,” Cecil says.

I’m pretty sure the man hates me.

“You missed one.” He holds up the last Hawaiian shirt, and this one…

I bust out laughing and Cecil’s mouth twitches as he tries to keep a straight face.

“Oh, that’s…wow.”

“I think it might be your size,” he says, holding it toward me.

It’s got the blue water and green palm trees, but then there’s Jesus walking on the beach, Jesus walking on a wave in the ocean, Jesus with a lei headpiece, Jesus on a motorcycle…

I hold up the flamingos next to the Jesuses and lift an eyebrow at Cecil.

“You’re asking me?” he asks, rubbing his hand over his thick beard.

I nod, wishing like all hell that my brother was here for this. The shit he’d give me. I’d make him wear whichever one I didn’t buy.

“I mean, is there any question? You gotta go with Jesus,” Cecil says.

I crack up. “You’re right. As if I could pass this up.” I start to hang the flamingo one up and pause. “I think I’ve gotta get this one for my brother too.”

“Suit yourself,” he says.

I pick out a pot of orchids rather than a bouquet and head to the counter. Cecil shuffles behind me and goes behind the counter.

“I’m the only one on tonight,” he says, ringing me up. “Everyone’s still yammering on about that party last night. You’d think you’d served prime rib or somethin’…”

I chuckle. “I’m glad you came, Cecil. Maybe next time we can have prime rib…”

He puts the shirts in a bag and holds it up, and I take it, thanking him.

“Don’t forget your flowers,” he grumbles.

“Saving me again, thanks.”

“Yeah, yeah.” He waves me off and trudges back to the shirts.

I jog home and take a quick shower, grimacing when I put on the shirt. I hope Grinny has a sense of humor.

Pride be damned, I’m going to Grinny Landmark’s house, and after taking over their family business, the least I can do is follow the dress code. Even if I do look like a sacrilegious middle-aged man on vacation.

I put on my jacket and step outside, looking around in case Scarlett’s walking over too, but I don’t see her. I’ve spent a lot of time outside since we found those puppies, watching for Scarlett walking them, but I haven’t seen her yet. I’m ninety-nine percent certain she’s doing everything she can to avoid me.

It’s a pretty walk, and when I get closer to the house, I notice all the cars in the driveway. More than I expected.
