Page 50 of Unforgettable

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“Don’t get me started on Ivy’s birth mom,” he says, jaw clenching. “No, Zac met Autumn when Ivy was five and she’s the best thing that ever happened to the two of them. As soon as she met Ivy, she started learning sign language, and she’s better at it than all of us…well, not Zac, but right up there…”

His love for Autumn is more than apparent and now I can see why. I mean, she’s obviously great, but wow.

“That’s incredible. Well, show me a few—”

There’s scratching on the door, and Jamison grins and cracks open my office door. Two snouts stick out and we both laugh.

“Scoot back, you two.” They back up enough for us to walk in, and Jamison squats down to pet them.

“Ivy’s going to love you guys,” he says.

“I think Lucia will be gentle with her, don’t you?”

“Oh yeah. Because you’re just a love, aren’t you?” He nuzzles into Lucia and she can’t get enough. Meanwhile, Delgado is twirling himself dizzy and Jamison cracks up. “Stand still, little dude, and I’ll pet you too.”

Delgado finally calms enough to be petted and Jamison does for a few minutes before he stands up.

“I better go watch for Pappy and Magnus. They should be here any minute. Want to meet in the lobby at 6:45? We can all walk to the restaurant together…”

“Are you sure about me coming? I-I don’t want to intrude on a family night…”

He studies me for a moment, those green eyes pulling me in. I keep expecting him to shift into polite business mode, the way he’s been any time we’ve had to speak to each other lately, but his eyes never leave mine as he says, “I’d love for you to come.”

Of course my mind goes to the dirtiest places even though that’s not what he meant…

He smirks then and I’m left to wonder.

* * *

I call Grinny to tell her I won’t be at dinner tonight. I’ve had several dinners with her since the one with Jamison, so it’s okay that I miss this one.

“I want to hear all about it,” she says, excited that I’m going out with the Ledgers.

“I’ll call you later,” I promise. “Or in the morning if it’s too late.”

I call my nephew, Owen, because he’s the only one that will be truly bummed to miss seeing the dogs, but he’s been invited to a friend’s and my not going is the deciding factor for him to go to his friend’s house.

“Just…make sure I still see you this week,” he says. “I don’t want Lucia and Delgado to forget me.”

“Okay, it’s a deal. But they won’t forget you, buddy. You’re impossible to forget.”

“Love you, Auntie,” he says.

“I love you, Owen.”

I hurriedly get ready and let the dogs out one more time before I venture to the lobby. The entire group looks like they belong in a movie or a photo shoot for the world’s most beautiful people.

I start smiling the moment I see Pappy, his face pure joy as Jamison lifts Ivy’s hand and she does a pirouette. Pappy lifts both his hands near either side of his face and waves them and Ivy beams, doing another.

Jamison motions to Ivy when he sees me walking toward them and she turns and waves shyly.

I reach Autumn first and she smiles when she sees me. “Hi, Scarlett. I love your dress.”

“Thank you. I love yours. Gorgeous and looks comfortable too.”

“I never imagined I’d wear a short dress in the snow, growing up in Charlotte, but Boston has warmed up my blood,” she says, laughing.

Pappy walks over and Jamison puts his arm around his shoulder. “Scarlett, this is Pappy. Pappy, Scarlett Landmark.”
