Page 64 of Unforgettable

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“Really?” I ask, shocked. “You’ve always loved your job.”

He stares over my shoulder at Jamison. “I’ll send an email with my official resignation by tonight.”

“Okay,” Jamison says. “I’m sorry to see you go. I enjoyed the times we spoke, thought you had good ideas to implement on the skiing side of things. Are you sure this is what you want?”

He lowers his chin once, acknowledging what Jamison said. “I’m sure, yes. It’s time.” And then he points at Jamison, his next words rushing out. “I love this place. See that you give it the love and attention it deserves.”

He flashes one last look at me, and I stare after him as he stalks away.

“Oh,” I whisper, my face falling along with my heart. “That’s such a loss.”

I glance at Jamison and he’s watching my reaction.

“Danny’s an excellent employee, and it’s hard to find new hires that are full-timers.”

“I’m more worried about you,” he says simply. “Areyouokay?”

“I’m surprised and…really sad to see him go. I wish I knew why he was leaving, but…I’m okay. That was weird. He wasn’t acting himself at all.”

“I think maybe he heard us,” he says, crinkling his face. “I’m sorry about the position that puts you in. He clearly has feelings for you and doesn’t like this,” he says, pointing between the two of us.

“No…you think he’s the one who was out here and he just never walked away?” I hold my hand across my forehead. “Oh, that’s so awkward. But no…he doesn’t have feelings for me like that.” I shake my head. “I-we’ve been friends for a long time. I don’t know what’s going on with him, but I’ll try to find out.”

“Were you and Danny ever—”

“Yes. He was my first boyfriend. Half the time, I canceled on him. He hated how much I worked and how consumed I was with the resort, even though he’s worked here since he was sixteen. After we tried dating for a while, we decided we were best as friends.” I shrug.

“Youdecided,” Jamison says.

I tilt my head, nodding eventually. “Yeah, I guess it was more me in the beginning.”

“How do you have no idea that Danny is in love with you? I saw him with you for two seconds and knew, and I’m a guy. I’m supposed to be the oblivious one,” he says, laughing.

“Ugh, you sound like Holly.” I shake my head.

And Granddad, but I keep that to myself.

I don’t think Granddad really thought Danny was in love with me as much as he thought Danny would be a nice, safe option for me. He was so ready to marry me off that I always thought he was exaggerating Danny’s feelings to get me to reconsider dating him.

“Oh, Holly thinks he’s in love with you too?” He smirks. “Interesting.”

I press my lips together. “I’m going to work now.Someonehas distracted me long enough.”

“I think your work ethic is sexy,” he says as I walk down the hall. “Your sway is too,” he adds, softer.

I turn and stare at him with wide eyes over my shoulder, trying to shush him again. “Do you want the whole town to know about us before noon?” I say under my breath.

He lifts both hands, palms up. “Why not? Nothing could make me happier actually. This…you and me…it feels pretty fucking awesome.”

I press my finger to my lips, but I’m grinning when I turn around and go into my office. I shut the door and lean against it, my hand against my chest as I inhale and exhale a huge cleansing breath.

We do feel pretty fucking awesome.



