Page 70 of Unforgettable

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I love the woman, but she is the biggest gossip in Landmark and that is saying something. We have lots who qualify. I sigh and refrain from rolling my eyes because she is just now winding up.

“Lisa came in earlier, and she said that Jim said he was talking to Vera outside the offices and they went down the hallway for just a minute and Danny came out, redder than a hornet…”

She looks around for effect and we stare at her.

“Or you know, mad as a horn—what is that saying?” she says.

I wave my hand for her to continue even though my face is on fire too.

“And then they heard something from Jamison’s office…sounds…” Her eyebrows lift, and everyone else avoids looking at me. “Jim said Vera ushered him out of that hallway so fast, his head was spinning.” Everyone cackles. “But he thought he heard your voice in there, and then Danny circled back and waited outside the offices…”

I close my eyes and count to three.

“Poor Danny,” Becky sniffs. “Everyone knows he’s been hung up on you since you broke his heart.”

“I didn’t break his heart!” I insist. “We agreed we’re better as friends.”

Becky presses her lips to the side and gives me a dry look, nodding. “Mm-hmm.”

What is with everyone thinking I broke Danny’s heart? He didn’t even try to convince me to stay with him. What am I missing here?

“Okay, so all of this is speculation that…what? I was in the office with Jamison? Because Jim or Vera or Danny heard a girl in his office?”

“A girl that sounded like you,” Becky says. “And you are wearing a healthy glow today, I might add.”

The three of them snort and then freeze when I fold my arms across my chest and stare at them. Becky crumbles first.

“Oh, come on, don’t be mad, Scarlett. You know we love you. We would be the first to cheer you on if itwasyou…she’s mad,” she says, glancing at Deb.

“I’m offended you don’t think I’m always wearing a healthy glow,” I say, smirking.

Becky nudges my side, exhaling in relief. “Wait, does this mean…was it you?” she says under her breath.

I lift a shoulder. “A lady never tells. Are we all good here, Deb?”

Deb nods and they all look at me, waiting for a sign, any sign…so hopeful.

“Good thing I’m not a lady,” I say before I walk out the door, winking over my shoulder.

I can hear them all the way down the hall, hollering and laughing their asses off.

“No, she did not just say that,” Becky howls.

I laugh all the way to my office, that little break just what I needed.




We’re at Zac’s condo, about to leave for dinner, when I get a phone call.

“Mr. Ledger?”

“Yes, this is Jamison.”

“This is Blake from Tiptop. I’m so sorry, but I’ve had to close the restaurant for the night. I was really looking forward to having you and your family here tonight. We’re having an issue with our heater, hopefully it will all be up and running by later tonight, but in the meantime, I wouldn’t feel right having everyone here with the temp dropping so rapidly.”
