Page 69 of Unforgettable

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Let’s do the Grinny dinner tonight. Would Tiptop be good? I haven’t been there yet. Or where would you suggest?

I love Tiptop and so does Grinny.


Perfect. Is 5 too early?

Grinny’s all about an early dinner.


Pappy too. 5 it is.

Grinny and I will meet you up there.


No gondola ride together to the top?

It only holds six people and with the size of you Ledger men and Magnus, I’d say it’d probably be best to spread out your trips up too.


Again with the puffed gorilla chest.

I’m smiling like an idiot at my phone when it rings again, startling me, but Delgado is done and I need to get to Deb.

“Lucia, come on, girl,” I call, and she runs toward me.

The three of us head back inside and I secure them in my office before making the short trek to the housekeeping office.

Deb is there when I walk in and she stands up, walking toward me, her smile wide.

“How about that Ledger family?” she asks, her voice carrying. “They’re like the Landmarks, not a bad-looking one in the bunch!”

I laugh and she leans in, her eyes twinkling.

“Heard you might be sweet on the younger one…”

I want to saywell, I should hope so since he’s the only single one…and not in his eighties…but I keep my sarcasm in check. I knew word would already be out. It’s like the people of Landmark can smell news.

“They’re a wonderful family,” I say.

She nods and winks like she knows there’s so much more I’m not saying. And she’s not lying.

I get behind the desk and motion for her to join me. “Want to show me what’s happening when you sign in?”

She shows me and I walk through the steps of restarting and get her back in shape. While we’re working, Clara and Becky walk in, and I can tell by the way they come at me all swoony, that the whole resort is talking.

“What have you heard?” I finally ask, unable to take all the side-eyes.

Becky presses her lips together like she’s afraid to say anything, but I can tell she’sdyingto spill.

“What do you mean?” Clara asks, but she giggles before she can finish the sentence.

I hold my hand up, waving my fingers likecome on.

Becky leans in and the rest of us do too. “Well…”
