Page 8 of Unforgettable

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“Jamison, what are you doing here?” she interrupts, crossing her arms over her chest.

I smile, despite the unease building. “I’m the new owner of Landmark Mountain Lodge.” I sound like I’m ready to do jazz hands and tone it down when I add, “Technically, my brother and I are both owners, but I’ll be the one doing most of the day-to-day as we transition…”

Her face has lost all color while I’ve been talking and I reach out to steady her, but she takes a step back.

“What kind of sick plan was this?” she asks, taking another step away from me. “Wasn’t it enough that you’d taken my family business from me? How did you know I’d be at the hotel that night—did you follow me? Did sleeping with me add to some notch on your—”

“Wait a minute. What are you talking about?” I nearly take her arm, but the way she’s shaking and the color is returning to her face in whatever shadevery angryis keeps me firmly in place. “I had no idea who you were when we met…I still don’t. Your family business—wait, does that mean—are you, you’re a Landmark?”

I feel winded, maybe there is something to that altitude thing.

“Yes, I’m a Landmark,” she snaps. “You can’t possibly expect me to believe you didn’t know.”

“How would I know? Your name wasn’t on anything. I would’ve remembered a name like Scarlett. I met Sutton Landmark, but the only other names on the contract were Wyatt, Theo, and one other…” I shake my head, trying to remember but too confused to get there.

“Callum. The Landmark brothers, John Henry Landmark’s grandsons. I’m their little sister andI’mthe one who has run this place alongside Granddad all these years.” Her voice cracks and I’m torn between trying to comfort her and getting the hell out of here to avoid her wrath.

“I’m really sorry for your loss,” I tell her, meaning it with all my heart.

Losing my grandma was one of the hardest things our family has ever gone through. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Every kind of emotion is at war on her face as she stands there, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

“And you’re staying to help with the transition.” The pieces start coming together. “Albert mentioned one of the family members would be my right-hand…well, he said man, but…” I chuckle and it dies a painful death when her eyes try to murder me with hateful, stabbing glares.

“You tried to prolong my stay from three months to six—I can’t believe you’re still pretending to not know it was me. Did you think sleeping with me would give you more time? My name wasn’t on the deed, but it was on the contract saying I’d only stay ninety days.”

“So was mine,” I insist. “But the agent was in quite a rush, at least when my brother and I were there. I’d barely sign my…chicken-scratch signature before he had another form in place for me to sign. It all ran together. I swear to you, I had no idea you were part of the Landmark family, but now that I know…all the better, right?”

She doesn’t say a word, her shoe tapping on the floor faster and faster.

“My brother and I have loved this place since we were young and came here on a family vacation. When I got the email saying the place was for sale, I couldn’t believe my luck. I can’t tell you how excited I am to get the property back to its former glory and even beyond—”

She holds up her hand. “I’ll stop you right there. Save your sales pitch. Not all of the Landmarks are happy about this.” Her lip trembles and she takes another step back, jumping when she runs into Albert.

“Hey there, little lady,” he says, looking down at her fondly.

Her face softens when she sees him. She swallows hard and whispers, “Morning, Albert.”

“I see you’ve met Mr. Ledger.” He beams at me. “Nice to see you with the early birds.” He motions between him and Scarlett. “It’s usually just the two of us here at this time. Vera will be along shortly…in time for the meeting,” he adds, winking.

“I’ll be in my office until then,” Scarlett says, moving past Albert and bolting down the hall.

I watch her go, feeling more than a little conflicted. How the hell did I sleep with the former owner’s granddaughter and not even realize it? I want to go study the contract she’s talking about, but Albert clears his throat.

“She’s the heart behind this place,” he says, nodding solemnly. “Put everything she has into making it what it is and not always with all the resources to back her up. I have a good feeling about you though.”

He smiles big and his words would help a lot more if I weren’t still in shock about Scarlett.

“It might take her a while to warm up to the idea of you,” he says under his breath, “but she’ll come around.”

He walks me back to my office and stands in the doorway. The sun is blinding through the window.

“I’m going to do my morning walk-through before the meeting. Can I help you with anything before I go?”

“No, thank you, Albert. I’ll see you in an hour.”

He nods and backs out, whistling as he goes down the hall.

I sit down at the outdated desk, setting my laptop on the dark wood on autopilot.
