Page 93 of Unforgettable

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I crawl into bed at midnight, ready to crash so hard.

It’s been a long week of very little sleep and hours that blur together at the hospital.

We’ve been staying at my condo while Mom’s in the hospital, just long enough to shower and sleep a few hours before heading back, but we got her home this afternoon. She’s doing so much better, says she feels like a new person.

Turns out she’s been struggling with shortness of breath longer than any of us knew and just thought she needed to lose those extra fifteen pounds she’d accumulated this winter. We’ve all agreed to do regular physicals after this. Zac stays up on all that and we make sure Pappy does too, but my parents and I have slacked.

I’m staying at my parents’ house, at least for the weekend. They live near Gillette Stadium and I live in downtown Boston, so the drive isn’t too bad, but it’s far enough that I didn’t want to be traipsing back and forth and missing anything going on here.

I pick up my phone, checking to see if there’s anything from Scarlett. I texted her earlier and usually I would have heard something by now. I’ll try to call her tomorrow now that I’m finally not surrounded by either my dad, brother, or grandpa. They’re nosy as all shit.

My eyes close, but my mind keeps racing. After five minutes, I give up and grab my phone again. Still nothing from Scarlett. It’s amazing how quickly I’ve become such an infatuated tool. Never thought I’d see the day. I scroll through Instagram, checking the lodge’s feed first. There are some great shots from guests tagging Landmark Mountain and a post about the Easter egg hunt tomorrow. And then mindless scrolling…

I pause and scroll back when I get to one Bo posted. What catches my eye is that Scarlett is sandwiched between him and Danny, looking happy as can be. She’s laughing and looks stunning—the stunning part is no surprise. How happy she is next to Danny—the hell? I stare at it, my heartbeat galloping too fast. What’s that bastard Danny doing by her side?

I look at when it was posted—not that long ago since I have a couple of hours on them—and I go to Bo’s stories to see if I can find anything else out.


Bo’s feeling pretty happy tonight. Story after story of shaky video. There’s nothing like the picture he posted, but there’s brutally pitchy singing in the background as he does a sweep over the crowd at The Dancing Emu, and I search for Scarlett, certain I’ll see her cracking up at the singing. Bo pauses on a girl he thinks is hot, which he yells over and over again—someone needs to give that guy some lessons ongame.

Hold up.

I play the story again and behind Bo’s hot girl, standing outside, is Scarlett. And holy shit, Danny’s out there with her. He’s looking at her longingly and getting closer and closer. And then it’s over. I go back and watch it a few times, wanting to throw my fucking phone across the room the more I watch it, but instead, I call her.

When she doesn’t pick up the first time, I wait five minutes and call her again. This time she answers, her voice breathless.

“Hey,” she says, sounding surprised.

“Hey.” My tone is flat and angrier than I intended.

“What’s—is everything okay? Your mom, is she—”

“Everything’s fine. Mom’s good. She got to come home late this afternoon. We’re—I’m staying with them.”

“Oh, that’s such good news. I’m so glad, Jamison,” she breathes out.

There’s scuffling in the background.

“Settle,settle down. Hi, loves,” she says in a playful voice. “Oh yeah, I missed you too. Sorry…I just got home and the dogs are losing their minds.”

“Oh, so you weren’t talking to me.” I try for lighter, but I still sound like a grumpy brute.

She giggles and yep, that sound still shoots straight to my dick despite the long distance.

“Guess it depends—do you need to settle down?” she says, laughing again.

“I think I do because I want to know what the fuck you were doing looking all cozy with Danny tonight?” Damn. That wasn’t subtle at all.

“What?” There’s no playful sweetness now. “How did you—”

“I’m not even gone a full week and you’ve already moved on, looking all doe-eyed up at the guy who was too good for Landmark Mountain—”

“I’m gonna give you a pass because you’re clearly deranged from the hard week you’ve had, and I don’t want to discredit the pain you’ve been in because I know it’s been difficult worrying about your mom, but what the hell, Jamison?”

I feel like an idiot but keep going, proving that it’s more than just a feeling… “Exactly, what the hell?”

“I’ve been working my ass off, covering for you and glad to do it so you could have time with your family. I’ve barely heard from you all week…which I’ve understood. But this is the first time you’ve even called me, and it’s to go all caveman on me? No, I don’t think so. I’m exhausted and I don’t have time for this. Goodnight, Wingtip.”
