Page 33 of Fractured Kiss

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Cassie blew out a breath. Would it be so bad to go along with it? As much as she needed to learn to stand on her own two feet, that didn’t mean she shouldn’t accept help. And Zac obviously felt guilty about the kiss and wanted to make up for it.

He reached out and touched the back of her hand. “Cassie—”

“Okay.” It came out slightly choked.

Zac nodded and sat back in his chair. She couldn’t read his expression, and sudden misgivings hit her. He was only doing this because he thought he had to. Because he felt obliged to.

But Drew had already leaped into action, typing rapidly on his phone as he spoke.

“Okay. So, neither of you makes any statements to the media about this. I’ll let the record label know you two are together. The information will get out there soon enough.” He smirked before looking over at Zac. “This is where your privacy when it comes to the women you… ahem…datecomes in handy. The fact that you’re making this public makes it look more serious. Which makes it more believable. People are always more willing to forgive transgressions if they think it’s true love.” One corner of his mouth twitched up, and he shook his head as if he couldn’t believe what he was saying either.

“I could take some photos of you together and put them up on your social media,” Lexie said to Zac. He nodded absently.

“Cassie’s already staying on the bus, so that lends credence to the idea that the two of you have fallen for each other,” Drew said. “Just make sure you’re seen together regularly, and that’ll be it.”

Cassie gripped the edge of her seat. This was all running away from her. And she still couldn’t read Zac’s expression. All the confusing emotions of the last twelve hours descended on her. She stood suddenly. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. “I just… I want to… I just need a second,” she said and squeezed out from behind the table.

She pretended she couldn’t feel Zac’s gaze burning into her as she headed for the front of the bus. She might want to just crawl into her bed and pull the covers over her head, but she didn’t really have that luxury with her job waiting for her. So, she’d take a few minutes away from everyone. Just a few minutes to hide away from the reality of her life now. And to try to figure out just how it all kept falling apart around her.


How the fuck had he gotten them both into this situation? Zac speared his hand through his hair, looking around the crowded after-party to see if Cassie had arrived yet. He couldn’t see her, and relief trickled through him. It was closely followed by a stab of guilt. This wasn’t her idea. The whole thing was on him. Losing control, kissing her when he knew better. He’d even been the one to convince her to go along with Drew’s suggestion, just to absolve his guilt and minimize the damage of his impulsive act. Had he even stopped to consider what she might want?

Zac sighed and rubbed his hand over his face.

A woman wearing a Fractured tank top approached, clutching a pen. Given that she wasn’t holding any merchandise, Zac figured she was going to ask him to sign her top. Or what was under it. Based on previous experience and the fact it was pretty clear as she walked she wasn’t wearing a bra, his guess was it was going to be the latter. She was attractive, so it wouldn’t exactly be a hardship. But even signing a pretty woman’s tits stopped being exciting after you’ve done it a thousand times.

She stopped in front of him. “Hi, Zac.” Her voice was breathy, but he recognized the look in her eye. It was the look he normally sought out. The one that said she’d be more than okay if he wanted to use her body for a little stress relief. That she wanted to use him too. That was the way he liked it—mutually assured satisfaction with no expectation of commitment. He might have even taken her up on the offer implicit in her expression if things were different. But they weren’t. He ignored the invitation in her gaze and gave her a practiced smile. “Hey there. What’s your name?”


“Hi, Camille. Did you enjoy the show?”

“I loved it so much. You guys are amazing! Especially you. The way you play that bass is just, mmm…” She gave a little shiver.

“Well, thanks, I appreciate that. You want me to sign something for you?”

“Yes, please.” She held out the pen.

Zac took it from her and cocked a brow. She smiled coyly and pulled her top down. She didn’t quite bare her nipple. Not quite. Just a sliver of pink areola showed above where her fingers were hooked into the fabric.

He leaned over her, put the tip of the pen against her skin and scrawled his signature, then capped it again and held it out for her. She stared at him, lips parted, apparently surprised he was so quick and efficient. As if she wanted him to cop a feel. As if he hadn’t seen tits just like hers almost every night since they’d hit the big time. Her face fell when she realized that was it.

“Are you going to get the others too?” He tipped his head toward Tex and Noah, who were standing with Eden and Summer.

She glanced over at them. “Um, yeah. I just wanted to get yours first because I—” Her words cut off as her gaze darted over his shoulder, her eyebrows pulling together.

Without even turning, Zac knew who she was looking at. He’d sensed her, a frisson of awareness skittering down his spine. He glanced over his shoulder. Cassie stood a few feet behind him, her big blue eyes uncertain, hands tugging at the hem of her crew T-shirt as her gaze ping-ponged between him and Camille. Drew was standing by the door and gave Zac a nod. He’d obviously sent Cassie over here, but it looked like she had no idea what to do next.

She wasn’t the only one. How the hell were they supposed to play this? During this morning’s discussion and his and Cassie’s awkward interactions since then, they’d failed to discuss if they were going to act any differently than usual. The pause stretched on a little too long, and Cassie’s expression froze more with every second that passed. Zac took a deep breath and held his hand out to her.

She swallowed hard but lifted her chin and stepped toward him. Almost without realizing he was doing it, he slid his arm around her waist and tugged her against him. Instinctively, her arm looped around his back. There was an infinitesimal pause as their eyes met. There were storms in hers. For the first time, he really stopped to think about how difficult this must be for her. Two weeks ago, she’d been happily engaged. Now she had to pretend she’d forgotten all about her ex-fiancé and moved on with Zac.

He tightened his arm around her and did his best to give her a reassuring smile. She wet her lips, then gave him a shaky one in return. He tried not to stare at her mouth. The last thing he needed to do was start remembering the way it had felt under his.

He looked back at the woman standing in front of them. She’d covered herself back up, and her face was alight with recognition.

Her eyes moved between the two of them. “Oh my god, are you two actually together? I saw the article and thought—”
