Page 36 of Fractured Kiss

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“You and Zac—”

Her choked laugh cut him off.If he only knew the truth about her and Zac.

She stood, turned her back to him, and racked Zac’s bass. She took that time to compose her expression before facing him again.

“That’s twice now something happened with Stella that you didn’t mean to happen.” And she wasn’t sure she believed him that nothing had happened before that, either.

“So that’s it? Because I got drunk and jealous over you having your tongue down someone else’s throat, we’re done?”

“I think you need to take a good, hard look at the choices you’ve made over the last couple of weeks and ask yourself if those are really the actions of someone who wants to be with me and only me for the rest of his life. Or if you’re clinging to something just because it’s familiar and comfortable.”

He shook his head and persisted. “So, we’re done?”

She took in the soft, golden curls she used to run her fingers through, the beautiful blue eyes, now dark with emotion, the slightly petulant droop of his lips. All so familiar. She knew exactly where her head would fit under his chin. Exactly how strong and warm his arms would feel around her. She knew exactly how he would smell, and if she tilted her head back and pressed her lips to his, she knew exactly how he would taste.

But if she clung to those things as a reason not to let go, she was no better than him. Familiar and comfortable wasn’t everything. Therehadto be more than that.

Bryan wasn’t hers anymore. He’d proven that. He wasn’t the person she’d thought he was. The familiarity and comfort were a lie. And she didn’t want to keep living a lie just because it was less scary.

She closed her eyes and took a breath, then met his gaze and nodded. “Yes. We’re done.” Then she turned and walked away.


Zac walked into the hotel suite, Cassie trailing behind him. He leaned his guitar case against the wall and threw the keycard onto the table, then scanned the large living area, breathing out a sigh of relief. There was a luxurious couch, plenty big enough for him to sleep on. That meant Cassie could have the separate bedroom. It made more sense for her to take it, anyway, since she’d be able to go to sleep if she got tired while he stayed up working on the album with the guys. Not that she often went to bed before him. He wasn’t sure if it was because she still had trouble getting to sleep, or if she’d started enjoying their time together as much as he had.

It had been three days since they’d begun this thing. Since they were performing at the same venue two nights in a row, they were staying at a hotel overnight. When Drew mentioned that he and Cassie would share a room, Zac had let out an internal groan. If being on the bus with her had become distracting, sharing a hotel room was going to be worse.

Cassie had asked Drew why she couldn’t just get her own room, but he’d reminded her that all the rooms for the tour had been booked months in advance. Trying to organize a last-minute room for her would look odd, considering she was already living on the bus with Zac. People paid too much attention to stuff like that when you were in a world-famous rock band. She’d nodded, understanding the logic.

Zac tried to ignore the part of him that was a little too pleased that she’d be with him tonight.

They’d wrapped up the after-party half an hour ago and driven straight to the hotel. While he stood there, looking around, Cassie dropped her purse on the table and sat down on the couch. She bounced a few times to test the softness, and Zac tried to avoid staring at her breasts under her shirt as they bounced right along with her. It’d be easier if they weren’t such fucking nice breasts.

Cassie slipped off her shoes and lay down, closing her eyes and letting out a little sigh. Zac’s pulse sped up. She was a far too tempting sight lying there with her hair a dark cloud around her head.

Zac’s imagination took over. He saw himself closing the distance between them and skimming his fingers along the smooth skin of her legs, up toward the apex of her thighs. Would she stop him? Or would she let her legs fall open in invitation? He clenched his jaw and took a deep breath.

Cassie turned her head, her gaze finding his. She gave him a happy smile, and something twisted behind his ribs. He cleared his throat. “What are you doing?”

She sat up and gave him a strange look. “I’m testing the couch.”

He shook his head. “I’ll take the couch.”

“Um, no, I don’t think so.”

“It’s big enough, and believe me, I’ve slept on far worse in my life.”

She frowned and pierced him with her eyes. “So have I.”

Zac suppressed a smile. The more comfortable she was around him, the more confident she was becoming. “I’m not making you sleep on the couch.”

She stood, her delicate jaw hardening. “Youare the famous rock star.Iwork foryou. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

This more assertive version of Cassie drew him in. He stepped closer, fascinated at how her pupils dilated as he got within touching distance.

“How are you going to make me?” he said. “Pick me up and throw me on the bed?” The corners of his mouth curled up.

Frustration danced in her eyes. “You’re making this about me being a woman.”
