Page 77 of Fractured Kiss

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Her body tightened, gripping him firmly. “Zac, I want… I need…” She couldn’t finish, only able to roll her head back and thrust her breasts forward to give him better access. It only took a few more strong pulls on her nipple before she broke. A wild cry fell from her lips as her channel squeezed hard around him over and over. Her arms shook against his hold, and he let go so he could grab her hips and pull her farther down onto him. He wanted to be as deep inside her as he could get. Wanted to feel every last clench of her body around his. To experience every second of how she came apart for him.

“Good girl… you feel so fucking good… you don’t know what you do to me.” The words fell brokenly from his lips as he clenched his eyes shut and held onto the fraying edges of his control.

Finally, the pulsing of her inner walls subsided, and she was left trembling and gasping. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. He wasn’t sure if the quaking of his own body was from the restraint he was only just clinging to or from something else—some emotion rolling through him he didn’t want to acknowledge yet.

Cassie pushed herself upright, and he swore he’d never seen anything more gorgeous in his entire life. Her sapphire eyes glittered, her cheekbones were stained pink, and dark curls of hair stuck to the dampness at her temples.

“Zac,” she begged. “Please. I want to feel you come with nothing between us.”

“Take it then. Take what you need from me.” His voice sounded feral to his own ears.

Her eyes flared, and she moved her hips against his tentatively. He didn’t stop her this time, and freed from his hold, she began an intoxicating rise and fall that had him throwing his head back against the chair. But he soon jerked it forward again so he could keep watching her. The incredible sight dragged a guttural groan from him. “Fuck.” He grabbed at her hips again. “Look at you, angel. You’re so fucking beautiful.”

Their gazes collided, holding as she moved on him. He couldn’t stop staring at her. At the way her eyes changed color. The way her lips parted as she gasped. The way her eyelashes fluttered on every deep, driving downstroke. He couldn’t get enough of her. Of the slide of her body against his. Of the silk of her skin under his hands. Of the way she made him feel.

She arched her back and rolled her hips and rode him. Pleasure so intense it was almost painful built at the base of his spine. He knew he didn’t have long if he wanted to take her with him. He found her swollen clit with his thumb and gave it one rough rub. Then another, and she was coming. She cried out, contracting around him.

The control he was only just holding onto snapped. He banded his arms around her waist and pistoned his hips up into her. Fire raced along his spine, scorching its way up his shaft. He threw his head back and yelled out hoarsely as his orgasm exploded through him in shuddering wave after shuddering wave.

Even as he came, he couldn’t seem to stop thrusting into her—addicted to the drag of her body over his cock as it throbbed inside her, filling her.

“God, Zac,” she sobbed. “I can feel everything. It’s so good. So good.” The grip and release of her muscles around him extended his pleasure out almost unbearably.

He gave her everything he had. Poured it all into her. Drained himself dry. And he took everything she gave him in return. Their bodies were slick with sweat. He could feel his pulse pounding through every inch of him.

“Cassie…” His voice broke on her name.

He didn’t even know what he wanted to say. He’d never experienced anything like this before. He didn’t want it to end. And maybe it didn’t have to. At least, not yet. Would it hurt for him to be selfish? To take what she was offering and enjoy it while he could? Would it really be so bad? Cassie knew what this was and that there was an expiration date. She knew, but she gave herself anyway. Because that’s who she was. Would it be so bad for him to give in to it?

His hips jerked one final time, and then he forced them both to be still, though residual tremors still whispered through her as she clung to him. He kissed her, the slide of her tongue soothing the frantic pounding of his heart. The press of her body against him softened the jagged edges in his chest he hadn’t even known were there.

Once you’ve had this, will you be able to let it go?

He shoved the thought back down. Let the feel of her in his arms, the sinfully, sweet taste of her mouth, the renewed swell of his body inside her, drown it out.

He wrapped his arms around her and stood.

Cassie pressed her lips to his neck as he carried her to the bed and laid her down.

He made love to her over and over, only letting her drift off to sleep hours later. That’s when he allowed himself to test out the shape of the words that had been running through his head all night. The ones that had been there ever since she’d slipped her hand into his at the funeral.

He pressed his lips against her temple and let them out on a whisper.

“Stay with me.”


They flew back to meet the tour in Tampa, Florida, the next morning after a tense breakfast with Zac’s mom and sister. Cassie had sat there in uncomfortable silence while Zac’s mom had basically ignored her. Tori had tried her best to fill the gap, but it was a relief when Zac announced they were leaving.

At the last minute, Zac’s mom threw her arms around him and sobbed into his chest. His shoulders had stiffened, but he’d held her, rubbed her back, murmured a few soothing words, then stepped away. After hearing how she hadn’t defended him when he was a child, Cassie was inclined to think that was far more than she deserved.

Things had changed between her and Zac since the night before—since he’d shared a part of himself with her. She’d never experienced such an earth-shattering physical and emotional connection with anyone. His story had broken her heart, but he’d pieced it back together with every slide of his hands over her skin and stroke of his body inside hers.

It seemed to have affected him too, because in the morning, he’d roused and immediately reached for her, held her against him, then made love to her again. There had been an openness and vulnerability in his gaze when he’d looked at her, and a new level of intimacy between them. She didn’t ask him what it meant, though. If she could ease some of his pain, even for a short time, she wanted to. Pushing him to acknowledge that something had changed might just destroy it.

Or maybe she was just a coward, who didn’t want to find out that she was imagining things.

After they’d rejoined the tour, when it was time for Cassie to leave him and begin her pre-show checks, Zac surprised her by kissing her backstage, in front of everyone. He took his time, his lips firm against hers, his tongue claiming her mouth. She was breathless when he finally released her, and her legs shook as she walked away. Now, as she worked, she held the memory of that kiss close, letting it warm her, and fill her with hope.
