Page 18 of Sarge's Downfall

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Breaker nods, then slams the gavel down on the wood. “I called you all here because there are a few things we need to discuss. Some of you have already heard about what happened with Armor’s guys the other night, but for those of you who don’t know, I’ll fill you in. Armor had a couple of his men arranging a deal to purchase more kids. They were attacked and sent with a message. The buyers are starting to realize who Armor is, and they’re putting the pieces together. They know Armor killed his father, and I’m sure they know you’re a threat to their business.” Breaker looks right into Armor’s eyes.

Armor doesn’t say a thing yet, but he knows as well as the rest of us do what Breaker’s saying is right.

“It’s a shame they figured it out. You’re only trying to give those kids a damn life. One that isn’t filled with pain and suffering.” Killer shakes his head. For the biggest brute of us all, he has a soft heart when it comes to children.

“Them figuring it out won’t stop me. I have my guys wear body cameras when they go out. They’re hidden pretty damn well, so those fuckers didn’t have any clue. I had a friend run facial recognition and found out where they lived . . . and let’s just say they weren’t happy when I showed up at their homes and made an example of them.”

I didn’t even know Armor handled the situation.

“You all know this is Armor’s shit he does on the side, but there’s one thing everyone seems to be forgetting. Armor is part of this club and represents this club every fuckin’ day. At some point, the people who Armor is getting the children from will try to come for us. It hasn’t happened yet, and we have bigger fish to fry at the moment. Still, I understand that there are some of you who will want to assist when the time comes. When that happens, you come through me. This isn’t going to be shit that happens behind my back, got it?” Breaker stares down every man in the room, making sure they understand just how serious he is.

“For the record, I’m okay with handling things on my own right now,” Armor adds.

Breaker scoffs. “You’re an idiot if you think you’re safe doing that. Shit is going to blow up in your face, brother. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Armor nods in understanding. I have a feeling Armor doesn’t want to rely on the club too much because this was something he started on his own. It wasn’t something the club signed up to support him on, but I’m sure we’re all going to anyway. That’s what brotherhood is about.

“Prez, if you don’t mind, I’d like to speak,” Ops, our Enforcer, states.

Breaker nods.

“This morning, Mabel got a threatening text message. Initially, I thought it had something to do with her father’s cartel but based on what’s happened in the past with Diablo, I’m left to think they’re the ones behind it,” Ops goes on.

I notice how everyone in the room gets a bit more tense. “Threatening how?”

“The text mentioned how she’d look better if her head wasn’t attached to her body and that they couldn’t wait to have me find her that way.” Ops tone runs cold, and everyone here is furious.

Killer’s clenching his jaw as hard as possible. Brick is balling his hand into a fist. Breaker’s just about ready to roll out of the room and go on a hunting spree. Every single person here is pissed . . . but if they’re all pissed, God only knows how much anger Ops is hiding underneath the surface.

“I feel like this is only the start. We’re going to be getting more threats, and we know they’re going to try and hit us where it really hurts—our families. Now, what are we going to do about it? I don’t think any of them should be left without at least one of us around. We need to be able to protect them, and you know these sons of bitches are going to attack at their greatest opportunity . . . when we’re not around,” Ops speaks to the room.

“I doubt I even need to bring this to a vote, but all in favor?” Breaker looks around the table.

There isn’t one man in the room who isn’t on board with making sure the ladies have extra security.

“All right, now that we have that settled . . . we’re going to need to bring Hammer up to speed.” Hammer is the regent we have here at the club from the Reapers Rejects MC clubhouse. I can’t remember which charter he’s from. I think it’s Billings since that’s where our brother, Inc, went. Regency is ancient as fuck, but it worked centuries ago, and our clubs felt like it could work here too. The idea is that we send one member from our clubhouse to another ally’s club, and in turn, it keeps our alliance stronger with the other.

“Yeah, he needs to know what’s going on,” I speak up.

“Good. You can be the one to speak to Hammer and let him know what’s going on.” Well, I didn’t expect that, but whatever. It makes no difference to me. “We need to start putting feelers out on Diablo. We know a few things, but there’s a lot we don’t know. Knowledge is power, and right now, I feel like we don’t really have jack-shit.” There’s no doubt in my mind that Breaker’s getting frustrated with the fact we haven’t made more progress with Diablo. Things have been quiet the past couple of months, and I think we all thought Diablo had moved on to other clubs. Only they haven’t.

“We’ll find out who’s behind them soon enough,” Ops speaks up.

“We have to. The last thing I want is for anyone else to get hurt or, worse, be killed.” Breaker makes valid points. The deeper we get into this war with Diablo, the more dangerous it’s going to become. I know that we’re going to come out of this on the upside. There hasn’t been one threat that has taken us down, and I don’t think there ever will be.

Breaker changes the discussion to a few minuscule things and then opens it up for the floor. He asks if anyone has anything they want to discuss, and I’m the first to speak up. “The old restaurant across the street is going up for sale. I think we should consider expanding The Clubhouse.” We’ve been getting so busy lately that sometimes we barely have enough standing room for people. It would make sense that it’s time for us to expand. The bar has been one of the hottest tourist attractions in Los Angeles.

“If we move the bar across the street, there’s a lot more work we’re going to have to do. We’re going to need to renovate the building, get it back up to city code and keep the health department happy. Not to mention, we’re going to be forced to hire some outside help. We’ll need to expand the menu. There are a lot of things to think about before making a decision like this.” I don’t want to believe Breaker is shooting my idea down, but it’s kind of coming across that way.

“Wait a minute and hear him out,” Ice, Breaker’s father, states. “Keep goin’ on, boy.”

“If we move forward with purchasing it, you could assign each of us a task. Brick has construction experience, so maybe give him the job of finding good contractors and people to help with that. Ice has lived here for decades, so we could have him putting the word out about potential jobs. There are so many other tasks you could dish out, but that would be a good start,” I go on.

“Do you know much about the building?”

“No. I saw there’s a realtor’s number on it,” I answer.

“All right. Killer, call the realtor and see when you can get a tour of the place.”

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