Page 53 of Tryst's Temptation

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“You are my family, Jada. As I said before, my home is yours as well.”

After she left the room, I went out to theterraza. After a few minutes, Jaicon came outside too.

“Good morning,” I said, raising my cup of coffee in her direction.

“Good morning, Tryst.”

I walked closer and sat on the stone wall surrounding the enclosed area. “How are you, Jaicon?”

She turned to me but didn’t respond for several seconds. “You already know how I am.”

“Do I?”

She nodded, looking off in the distance. “I knew you were there last night.”

“I am sorry for intruding.”

“You didn’t. You left. Why?”

“I cannot tell you. I felt as though I shouldn’t be there.”

“I see.”

“Jaicon, I would very much like for us to talk.”

Her gaze met mine. “I would too. Maybe this afternoon?”

“I will come to you.”

She turned to go inside.


“I’ll see you later, Tryst.”

Midafternoon,right before I planned to walk over to visit Jaicon, Jada came out of the bedroom, saying she was ready to go to the meditation center. Two hours later, everything went to hell.

“What can I do?” Lynne asked when she opened the door and I swept inside with Jada in my arms. Maria, one of the women who worked on the ranch, raced in behind us.

“Help us get her out of these clothes and into a warm bath,” I said, sitting on the bed while still holding Jada in my arms.

“She’s past due for her pain meds. I’ll be right back.”

Once Lynne returned and gave Jada the medication, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

“We’ll take it from here,” Lynne said when I eased her from my arms and onto the bed. “You look like you could use a drink.” She guided me out of the room. “We’ve got this, Tryst.”

The sun had set, and it was dark, but I did not turn a light on. Instead, I sat in a chair, put my head in my hands, and wept.

Several minutes later, I heard the two women come out of Jada’s room. “Tryst?” Lynne called out.

“I’m here.” I stood, hit the light switch, and called out my thanks to Maria when she walked out the front door.

“What happened this afternoon?” Lynne asked.

I motioned for her to take a seat, but she shook her head. “I need to listen in case she wakes up.”

“Understood.” I sighed and closed my eyes. “She heard the sound of a whip. It triggered her. I should’ve known. I should’ve anticipated it.” I raked my hands through my hair.
