Page 24 of Owen

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Sophie’s immediate reaction was to declare that ridiculous. But their kiss…it was hard to deny how powerful that had been. Not that she was going to tell her friends about that.

“Ask Ethan and let me know his opinion,” Sophie said and turned her attention to Julia. “Did you take at least one picture like we talked about?”

“I didn’t get to it yesterday. Amos didn’t feel well, and I was on constant kid duty.”

“Okay, today, then.” Sophie wished she could do more for her friend, take some of the pressure off her. “Take a picture or a dozen. Do something for you, something that makes you happy.”

“And not a stressed-out pseudo-mom figure?” Julia gave them a tired smile. “I’ll try.”

In the background, a little voice said, “Aunt Julia, come help me.”

“Gotta go. Take care.” Julia signed off.

“I’ll talk to Ethan and get back to you,” Helen promised. “Cut Owen some slack in the meantime. He’s just doing what he thinks is right.”

Sophie said goodbye to Helen and took a moment to think about what she’d do if her friend got back to her and said that Ethan agreed with Owen. She disliked having limits placed on her. Between her editor and Owen, they were putting the brakes on her regarding this story, so she felt like she was spinning her wheels. In the meantime, all of their lives were on hold. But she didn’t want to get so blindly focused on her goals that she lost sight of what counted as a reasonable risk. Owen was putting his life on hold to protect her. She couldn’t just thumb her nose at that. Silently, she decided that if Owen backed Ethan up and said the danger was too great, she’d let the idea of the interview go. There would be other leads she could follow. She wasn’t sure what they were at the moment…but they had to be out there somewhere.

On the other hand, if Ethan said that Owen was overreacting, then she’d put her foot down. She agreed to go along with Owen’s protection—but she wasn’t going to let him stop her from doing her job. Not if the risks really were manageable.

She tried to set aside her frustration and dig into some research. Owen returned to the cabin later, showered, and worked at his laptop until it was time for them to go to the main lodge for a required couple’s session.

After a silent walk, they entered the dining room and saw each table was prepared with a set of toy building blocks including ones for walls, windows, doors, and roofs. Sophie smiled, realizing she knew where this was going. Back in college, their group of friends used to play a drinking game where they’d pound a beer and see who could construct a house first—blindfolded. The last person done had to buy the next round. Sophie was a champ at this, never once did she have to pay up.

“Welcome, everyone,” Luna got the group’s attention after everyone had found a seat. “You’ll see on your table a blindfold and the material to build a miniature house.” She held up a length of cloth. “The blindfolded partner will construct a house while being talked through it by their spouse. This is about trust and communication. Decide who’s going to take which role. We begin in sixty seconds.”

“I’ll build,” Sophie said immediately and reached for the blindfold.

“I’m glad we could discuss that,” he commented with an edge of sarcasm in his voice. “So much for communication.”

“What are you talking about? That’s the most we’ve said to each other since yesterday. I see it as improvement.” She’d already tied the blindfold, so she missed his reaction.

“And begin,” Luna called.

Sophie’s hands moved quickly, gathering blocks and establishing the base of the house.

“You might want to—”

“I’ve got this.” She cut him off, muscle memory making her fingers fly.

“We’ll need to put in windows,” he said.

“The walls have to have another level of blocks before I place the windows.” She worked in silence until she reached out for a window piece that she’d seen stacked to her right. Owen’s hand closed over hers. “Hey. I’ve got momentum going.”

“We’re supposed to be working together,” he said.

“The goal is to build the house. I’m doing that.” She shook his hand off and put a window in place.

“The goal is to communicate. You seem to have trouble following directions.” There was a distinct edge to Owen’s voice. “Glad it’s not just with me.”

It was clear they were no longer talking about this session. “Oh, it’s not,” she shot back. “But are we really going to pretend that I’m the only one who doesn’t listen? I might as well have not been on the phone with you at all yesterday for all that you listened to what I had to say. But unlike you, my tactics work. See my house going up? I’ll bet no one else in the room is anywhere close to being this far along. If I’m going to ignore what you say, then at least I’ll have something to show for it.”

“Enough,” Luna’s voice was low and close by. She must have walked up and heard their argument. Sophie whipped off the blindfold. She’d been right. The other couples were making no progress although she could hear some of them laughing and enjoying the moment. “Outside. Both of you. Now. Bring the blindfold.”

Sophie and Owen followed Luna out a side door like kids who’d been sent to the principal’s office. Once they were in front of the lodge, Luna turned to them. “What is going on with you two? You’re such a mess that you are distracting the couples who actually paid to be here. Remember, you were supposed to help me look good.” She directed this comment to Sophie, who instantly felt guilty. Thathadbeen the arrangement, and she’d totally lost sight of it.

“Hey, I wasn’t in on any agreement like that,” Owen said. “I’m just here to protect the most stubborn woman in existence.”

“You might not be a romantic couple, but you’re supposed to be a team.” Luna looked between them. “And, clearly, the team is falling apart.”

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