Page 44 of Owen

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She reached up to stroke his cheek. “I wish we could just spend the day in bed or doing something fun.” It was a risk saying that. He might realize the emotions that she was keeping to herself—the ones she wasn’t sure he shared. She wanted to do what couples did when they were still getting to know each other. Have picnics, go on hikes, see movies, eat at cool restaurants. They couldn’t do those things until this was over. And then…who knew? Maybe what they’d shared was just due to the circumstances they were in.

“Soph?” He was watching her closely. “Where’s your mind gone?”

She gave herself a shake before she descended into a serious funk. Neither one of them had suggested this was more than what it appeared. And she had enough things to worry about without piling more on. “Go take a shower, and no walking through with just a towel on when I’m chatting with my friends.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He headed toward the bathroom. When he closed the door, she began the connection with Julia and Helen.

“Good morning,” she greeted them. “Everyone doing okay?”

“All’s well here,” Helen answered. “Ethan’s at work, of course. I’ve been keeping busy, reading.” She held up three books about pregnancy and the early years so they could see them on the screen.

“You do love research,” Julia said. “I’m more of a trial by fire gal.” The two kids were bouncing on the bed behind her and laughing. “It’s been a good day so far.”

“Maybe less sugar,” Sophie suggested.

“They haven’t had any. This is their natural state.”

“No wonder you’re exhausted by the end of the day,” Helen said.

“So long as they’re happy, I can deal with it. It’s tougher when they get upset.” Julia didn’t have to say what that meant. The kids’ lives had been disrupted by tragedy with their mother’s death and then with a shit for a father. Now, they were moving from place to place trying to stay hidden.

“Did you take a picture?” Sophie asked. She’d been on Julia to do something she enjoyed.

“I took some yesterday,” Julia said, “but I haven’t looked at them yet. If any of them are good, I’ll email them to you.”

Sophie filled them in on her interview with Razor—and then her exchange with Jude and her disappointment with his attitude. She valued his opinion, and he had made her a better reporter by insisting she have her facts correct and sources valid. But…she had to agree with Owen somewhat. Jude was being overly cautious. She wasn’t going to call him a coward like Owen had, but there was a time to take a chance. This was it. She could feel it.

So she was going to have to be brave and take it one more step at the risk of pissing off her best friend.

“Since I can’t seem to budge Jude on this, I need more hard evidence.” She concluded her account of the previous day. “Something that will convince Jude that the story has teeth.”

“How are you going to get that?” Julia asked.

“By getting that evidence from the port. Unfortunately, I don’t have the connections needed. I need the help of someone who’s worked the crime beat longer than I have and knows more ins and outs in the community.”

Helen’s face changed. “Soph, we’ve talked about this. I don’t want my dad involved.”

“I know, but I can’t do this without help and Micky knows where to get information better than anyone. I need security cam proof that Wilson went to the port and bribed someone, and I need to see Wilson’s financials. Both of those are possible…but only with Micky’s help. I know you don’t like the idea, Helen, but your dad’s assistance can bring all this to a close. Doing this on my own, I keep hitting roadblocks, and they’re ones that Micky can help me get over or around. I know you don’t see him at work, but his ability to dig for the truth is legendary in the newsroom.”

“I don’t want my baby coming into this world without a grandfather,” Helen said. “Ethan’s dad died when he was a kid, and I just can’t imagine having a child without my dad being there.”

“I can’t say I understand your fear because I’m not in your shoes. All I’m saying is that this mess we’re in has to end.” She felt all the pressure of that since she was the one actively pursuing the investigation. “It’s not going to get better without taking action. I’m trying and so is Owen. The reality is that I need Micky’s guidance and resources. I’ve got to contact him, Helen. I’m sorry.”

“I don’t like it.” Helen pinched her lips together as Sophie waited for her to go on. “But I know dad’s been involved in dangerous things before.” She let out a heavy sigh. “He seems to manage. Promise me that you’ll keep his role as low key as you can.”

“I promise,” she said, feeling a little guilty about the half-truth. She’d do her best, but she knew perfectly well that Micky would go at this with all he had.

“It makes sense to involve him,” Julia said. “If he can help us get,” she glanced behind her at the kids, “you know who, I’m all for it.”

“I guess. Go ahead and contact him.” Helen didn’t look happy about it. She had agreed, though. “Take care, both of you.” She left the chat then.

“It’ll be okay,” Julia said when it was just the two of them.

“Hope so. Talk later.” Sophie ended the video and sighed. She was still staring at her screen when Owen came out of the bathroom, wearing only jeans, and made straight for her.

“Come here,” he said, pulling her out of her seat and into his arms for a hug. He was warm and solid, which helped.

“I hope we’re doing the right thing. What if something happens to Micky? I’ll never forgive myself.” She didn’t show vulnerability often. She doubted herself even less. Owen’s hold on her made it possible.

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