Page 71 of Owen

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“Our adventures?” she asked, studying it. “We’ll have to work those in around s’mores and skiing.”

He thought back to her vision board that had included those items and laughed. “We’ll be busy.”

“That’s good. I get bored easily and then I cause trouble. Just ask my parents.”

“You can cause as much trouble as you want,” he said. He loved that she was fierce and independent. It wasn’t trouble, it was what made Sophie special. “Speaking of parents, though.” He pulled out a drawing labeled family dinner. The table covered with plates and food was pretty clear, but the participants were just represented as circles for their heads.

“Your family and mine?” she asked.

“Yeah. We’ll bring them all together. You’ve met one of my brothers and my sister-in-law. When you’re ready, I’d like to introduce you to the rest of them. And I want to meet your family, too.” That’s what adults in a relationship did. Were his parents going to judge his choices in life? Probably. And he could handle that. They damn well better not judge his relationship with Sophie. He didn’t think they would once they got to know her. They’d see that she was the best choice he’d ever made. She was smart and ambitious, qualities that his family considered essential.

She was more than that, though, so much more. It scared him to finally admit it, but he’d heard her whispered words on the street. That was what gave him the courage to pull the last sheet from the folder and hand it to her. The drawing showed them—represented by two stick figures—inside a heart. Their stick hands were together. He’d drawn the same image twice, once at the top of the page and again at the bottom. He’d dated the first one with that day’s date and the other fifty years in the future.

“Tell me about these two pictures.” Her eyes went from the drawing to his face. “What do they mean?” She had to know, but he wanted to say the words, and he could tell she needed to hear them.

“It means that I want to be with you and love you today, tomorrow, and all the days ahead. Forever. I want to be your partner. I’ll work hard to make that happen because I love you, Sophie. More than I ever thought it possible to love someone else. I’ve kept my feelings under tight control for so long. Somehow, you released them.” He laughed. “And I can’t put them away, not the ones I have for you, so you’re stuck with them and with me.”

She tilted her head to the side. “Did you hear me say that I love you earlier today?” she asked.

“I did, but I couldn’t say it back until I could do this to make sure you understand how serious I am in my feelings. I’ve been slow to see it myself, and I almost screwed it all up.”

“We both almost screwed it up,” she said, trying to take some of the blame for the gulf that had formed between them in the past few days.

“Mostly me,” he insisted, not letting himself off the hook even a little. She’d given him opportunities to reveal his feelings, and he’d been too scared to take them. Not anymore. Now, he was all in. His life, everything he had, was dedicated to making her happy. “So, are you with me?” He pointed to the fifty years in the future drawing.

She seemed to study it, and his heart almost stopped beating. Was she not thinking of something quite that long term? What would he do if she told him that they only had now?

“Yes, but if I had a pen,” she finally said, “I’d add a caption to that image.”

“What would it say?” He held his breath.

“It would say, ‘Owen and Sophie continue to live life to the fullest. They survived some bumps and twists in the road, but their love lasts through it all.’”

“Will there be bumps and twists?” he asked.

She chuckled. “Without a doubt. And that’s okay. If our future doesn’t work out exactly the way we see it now, we’ll adapt. Together.” She nudged up against him. “After all, I didn’t see you coming. Who knows what other incredible and unexpected things are in store for us?”

“Plenty, I think.” He let all of his worry go and allowed himself to feel optimistic and confident about what came next in his life. That was all due to the amazing woman sitting next to him. “I love you, Sophie.” He had to say it again to her.

“I love you, too, Owen. This,” she gestured to the images he’d drawn, “makes me happy.Youmake me happy. I’m going to love spending my days beside you.” She put the pictures away in the folder and set it aside. “Now, what about that kiss I wanted? Are you ready now? Because you know what they say about actions…”

“They speak louder than words.” He lifted her onto his lap and brought their faces closer together. Before he kissed her, though, he paused, relishing the moment as he looked into her eyes and saw the happiness he felt reflected there. Then, he couldn’t wait any longer to take action. His lips touched hers and the kiss deepened instantly as he put everything he felt for her into it.

They sealed their pact to one another, kissing on the park bench under the magnolia tree until the spring sunlight began to fade in the sky.


“Oh, my gosh!” Sophie exclaimed, turning in the desk chair to give Owen a triumphant smile. “Here’s another amazing comment. Listen to this. ‘Ms. Carter’s article reminds us what investigative journalism should be. Her reporting shows courage and determination.’ Do you know who that’s from?”

“Who?” Owen was lounging against the bed pillows with his arms behind his head—the picture of sexy casualness.

“An editor with theChicago Tribune.” There were comments from other major newspapers as well. She was beyond thrilled with the reach and attention her story had gotten since its publication the day before. It was a dream come true.

“I told you we’d be moving to the big city,” Owen said.

Sophie kept scrolling through the responses. “Here’s another one I love. ‘The interview with Q adds validity and an air of mystery to the article.’ She looked across the room at Owen. “I owe you for that one. Quinn would never have contacted me if you hadn’t made that deal with her.”

Sophie had been shocked when Quinn called her and offered to do a video chat interview.Why would you follow through with this?Had been the first question out of Sophie’s mouth. Quinn had insisted that she was a woman of her word. She’d promised Owen an exclusive with the reporter of his choice, and she was going to deliver on that. Apparently, Quinn had some sense of honor. During the interview, she’d revealed plenty about Wilson and his operation, which Sophie had gleefully published.
