Page 35 of Kissing My Crush

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Rotating my hips her mouth falls open and a pleasurable moan escapes her lips. Knowing that I am hitting the very spot she needs me too, I keep that position and watch as she begins to fall apart.

Growing tighter around me, her fingernails dig into my shoulders, her breaths quickening.

“That’s it,” I whisper, fighting against my own release. “Let go, baby. Come for me!” Damn she is incredible. She ignites, her body shivering, her pussy gripping me, I bite my lip and reach my peek right alongside her.

The two of us falling apart in sequence, as we continue to ride out the pleasure.

I don’t know what it is about being inside Amara, but I’ve never felt anything better. Maybe it's the connection we have outside of sex, but there is something here that I feel so deep I can’t explain. Almost as if she has a hold on something within that lingers long after our physical connection is severed.

I remain where I am, my body pressing to hers, not wanting it all to end quite yet. I can feel her taking in each slow breath, her chest rubbing with my own, her nipples still hard from the contact.

Her legs unhook from my back as they slowly fall apart, and I nuzzle in closer.

“Wow, Tyler Collins, are you seriously cuddling with me?” The amusement in Amara’s voice makes me smile against her neck, where I’ve settled.

“Nah,” I turn my cheek settling in deeper, “I’m just too tired to move.” Pressing a kiss to the side of her neck I swear I hear her sigh and my pulse quickens.

This is real, and yes it fucking scares me.

* * *

I pull into the first available parking space, and kick down my stand, pulling off my helmet. Flipping my key, and swinging my leg off my bike I walk into the restaurant carrying my helmet under my arm.

I’m late.

I know everyone else has been here for at least thirty minutes, but I got stuck helping my dad putting a carburetor back into his current project. That’s what I get for stopping by when I already have plans. I can’t tell him no, never have been able to. It's because of them I didn’t grow up in the system or worse alongside a mother that never truly wanted me.

I owe them everything.

Entering the restaurant, I pause at the hostess counter, looking around for whoever it is that should be there.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket, I reach for it, and slide my finger across the screen.

“Tyler Collins,” glancing up, I'm met with a familiar face, but I can’t put my finger on it. “Wow, thanks, you don’t remember me do you?”

I stare at the blonde who is wearing a shirt with the restaurant's logo on it. “Maybe.”

“Liar,” she laughs. “You know I had a lump on my head for about a week, after that night. Not to mention a seatbelt burn along my arm, I’m not quite sure how I got that considering I’d removed mine to climb across the cab of your truck.”

Then it hits me. “Brandy,” I say, feeling my stomach twist.

She laughs, “Way to wound a girl,” offering me a wink as she steps up to the hostess station and looks down at the books. “Do you have a reservation?”

“Meeting a group under West,” I glance behind me and scan over the area, hoping that no one observed my awkward entrance. Happy when I find that I am alone.

“Yeah, here it is,” Brandy grabs a menu and taps it on the edge of the stand. “If you’ll follow me I can take you to them.”

I want to tell her no I’ll find my way, but she is already walking away before I can stop her. I shouldn’t be this nervous but the idea of Amara being in the same room as one of my wild night hookups makes my stomach twist.

As we enter a banquet room and Brandy turns the corner I see everyone come into view. The first person I look for is Amara who is sitting between Lorelei and Charlie. She looks up and I see the corner of her mouth tip up in a smile.

Then I feel a soft hand on my forearm, and I look down to find Brandy still at my side. “If you ever want to hit repeat, call me,” she holds out the menu and a card with a number scribbled on the back. “Maybe this time I can leave a lasting impression that will make you remember what my name is.” She winks, and spins around walking away.

I quickly look back at Amara and she is looking down at the table, twisting her napkin in her hands. Long gone is the smile she had seconds ago. Then I see Liam who is across from her, and his scowl says it all.

Way to go, asshole!

