Page 29 of Before We Came

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I’ve barely said two sentences to her when Jack marches in to the living room shooting daggers at me with his stare. “Hey, we’re gonna start eating, are you guys coming?” He’s focusing on me, not her.

I cut my eyes at him before returning my gaze to his sister.

“Yup,” I answer, not taking my eyes off her. “You hungry?”

Her face flushes a little from my choice of words and it’s like an aphrodisiac.Goddamn it, have a shred of self-control.

The temptation shuts down when little Maddie sprints over and grabs a handful of Bridget’s sweater.

“Aunt Birdie! Want to help me set the table? You can sit next to me!”

“Sure!” She laughs, looking down and brushing the hair out of her niece’s adorable face.

“Hey, Madaroni, not gonna say hi to your favorite uncle?”

“Hi,” she says and then grabs Bridget’s hand and whisks her into the kitchen.

Looks like Bridget is already the new favorite.

“I don’t blame ya, kid,” I mutter.

* * *

In the kitchen, I watch from the corner of my eye as Bridget and Maddie set the table. The second she puts her wineglass down at a place setting, I position my drink directly across from hers. Jack must notice because he pulls his chair out more aggressively than usual when he sits next to Bridget.The fuck is this dude’s problem tonight? Does he know?

Hot dish is not the traditional Christmas Eve-Eve meal, but besides cotton candy ice cream, it was her favorite dinner. I frown at how desperately Lori and Ken want to recreate home for her. Who wouldn’t? My stomach drops when I find out she only plans to stay a week. I have no idea what her life is like back in Vancouver, but I assume after last night there’s no boyfriend in the picture—not that it would stop me from pursuing her.

I gaze across the table, and she’s nodding at something Ken brought up. She’s beautiful. Most of our first meeting was spent in dim lighting, but seeing her sans shadows gives me a chance to admire the little details.

Having been with a lot of women is not something I’m proud of, but it has built up my confidence enough that I can be assertive without trying. With Bridget, it’s a different story, especially after our night together. I already care about her, but now sexual attraction has been mixed into the sentimental history we have. The result is a desire unlike any I’ve experienced before, which makes that assertiveness not as easy. I have to work for it—it’s unnatural for me.

When I stretch my legs, my foot grazes hers under the table, and we make eye contact. A grin pulls at my lips and I look back down to my food and return to eating. But I’m not moving my foot. I’ve been dying to touch her all night. If this harmless brush of skin is the best I can do, I’m taking it. I glance back up when, to my surprise, she doesn’t move away either.Interesting.

I caress her ankle, keeping my eyes locked on hers, I don’t give a shit who notices. If I want to look, I’m going to. I can tell she’s trying to suppress a smile. Jack finishes the last of his beer in one gulp, sets his napkin next to his plate, and shoves away from the table.Loudly.

“Mind helping me grab some more wine bottles from the cellar?”

Guess we’re doing this now.

“You bet, bud.”

Following him downstairs, we step into the wine cellar, and I shut the door behind us. We both know we’re not here to pick out wine.

“Maybe a cabernet?” I feign ignorance.

“Don’t,” he warns.

“Don’t what?” I bite out.

“You can’t mess with her, Burke. She’s not one of your girls you take home after the bar, fuck, and then kick out the next morning.”

She kicked me out, thank you very much.

“Whoa! Who says I’m messing with her?” I wouldn’t call itmessing, more like reacquainting. Light flirting at best.

He levels me with a stern glare, it hits the mark. I put my hands up. “Okay, I get it. I get it. I’ll try and rein it in, but it’s hard. I mean, have youseenher?”

“Hey, asshole, she’s mysister.”
