Page 96 of Before We Came

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“Love you more,” she responds.

We finish our drink, but when the server comes by, she orders another round instead of asking for the check.Fannntastic.

Thankfully, Micky senses I’ve reached my limit with the tough-love stuff, and we move on to discuss her plans for her cocktail lounge. She has the whole vibe narrowed down and tells me all about the patisserie items she plans to sell and what cocktails will complement them best. This is her dream. Listening to her talk about it is captivating, she has so much passion. I can’t wait to see her conception come to life and thrive. There’s no way it’ll fail with the homework and research she’s put into her business plan. As soon as she gets the capital, she’ll be unstoppable.

As our next round of drinks arrive, the door to the bar opens, and six guys from the team walk in. Includinghim.


Her eyes follow mine, and she turns around to see what I’m staring at. We’re tucked off to the side, but my body still tenses as I will myself to become invisible.

“Well, speak of the devil, and he doth appear.” Her lips curl into a smile.

I glare at her, and she gives me those ridiculous innocent eyes.

“Did you do this? I know you still have his number.”

“It’s fate, babe.”

“No, it’slate, babe,” I grind out, reaching for my clutch. “Let’s get the check.”

“Yeah, no.”

I freeze. “Pardon?”

“I’m having a marvelous time, and I want to finish my drink.” She leans back in her chair, settling in.

“Freya,” I warn.

“Bridget,” she parrots back. Her neck straightens. “Oh my God, that was the first time I called youBridget. Was that weird?”

If I wasn’t so stressed out seeing Lonan, I’d probably laugh at the look of shock on her face. Instead, I shake my head. It’s my name. Having Micky say it feels like worlds colliding. She’s been with me on this journey from the beginning but hearing her say it somehow makes it feel more legit. As if we’ve come full circle. I like it.

I take a big gulp of the second French 75 to take off the edge. After a while, my anxiety begins to lift. I can exist in this space just as much as he can. I look hot tonight. If he sees me, who cares? I have nothing to be afraid of. Eat your heart out, Lonan Burke. We have a clear view of the team as they sit down in a round corner booth. Micky and I chat more about her new apartment, and how she plans to furnish it and what new furniture she still needs. I’m distracted from our conversation when a woman sashays up to Lonan and sets her palm on his chest, bracing herself to sit on his lap.Great. Here comes the ick.

“So I’m going to need to pick that up from IKEA, but first, I have to find someone—girl, are you seeing this?” she asks as if I’m not already staring.

He shrugs her off, shakes his head, and turns away.

“See? Do you see how I’m right?”

My heart is racing.Yeah, I saw it.

My thoughts are put on hold when the server walks up with two ice cream sundaes.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, we didn’t order these,” I say. Micky glares at me for rejecting the desserts. I’m a Minnesotan that’s been raised in Canada all my life. It’s a wonder my DNA results didn’t say83 percent Sorry.

“These are from the gentleman sitting over there.”

I don’t have to follow her gaze to know what table she’s looking at. He saw me.

I swallow, not knowing how to respond.

“We accept!” Micky happily pipes up. “Please tell him thank you and that she’ll eat anything he gives her.”


I shake my head toward the server and apologize again. “She has a condition.”
