Page 45 of Strong and Wild

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She clears her throat. “So, there’s something—”

“Oh! I have some stuff for you. One sec, let me grab it.”

Back in my apartment, I call out Anna’s name one more time, just in case. As expected, no answer. My hands wrap around the bag handles and piles of clothes, and I haul them into her apartment.

“Whoa. Rhys. What’s all this?” she asks, her eyes wide.

“These are your pajamas.” I stack them on top. “No offense, some of your pj’s could use an update, and after what they went through that night, I took some liberties and picked up a few things. If you don’t like them, the gift receipt is in the bag. I got your sizes from the tags, so I hope everything fits.” I check some of the other bags. “Um... here’s cleaning supplies, since I’m sure you went through a lot of it that night.”I sure as hell did.“A shower curtain... some new bedding—”

“You bought me sheets?”

“I’m just replacing some things that might have been damaged,” I explain.

“Rhys, this is a lot. You didn’t need to do this. I was a human taking care of another human. That’s it. It’s not a big deal.”

“It is a big deal. After everything Anna told me, I’m still coming out ahead here. I’m grateful you were there that night. Please, let me do this.”

“Well, thanks. This is really nice,” she replies sincerely.

Her response is so heartfelt I almost do a double take. She possesses a gentle softness that balances all her hard parts.The side of her she hides.The one I’ve only witnessed when chatting through a computer screen. Replacing some of her items is the absolute minimum. She may have saved Anna’s life that night, all I did was run some errands.

Also, there are items hidden at the bottom of the bag I hope I get to see her wear before I die. I walked by that damn high-end boutique four times before finally giving in. Even if I don’t get to see them in person, knowing she is wearing them under her clothes will make me smile.


Iwas so close to telling him about the money she took, but even after I started bringing it up, I wanted to take it back. It was a relief when he interrupted me. He looked so downtrodden that she left again. I’ll bring it up eventually, but the timing wasn’t right.

Wow, I can’t believe he bought all this. There’s enough cleaning supplies to last me through the apocalypse. I should give all this shit back to him, but these sheets are Egyptian cotton. And I want them.

Most of the pajamas are nicer than what I would buy myself, some a tad more revealing, but nothing out of the ordinary as far as sleepwear goes. I rifle through the bags more until my eye catches something black. And strappy.What in the... this motherfucker—

Me: Did you buy me lingerie?

Rhys: Doesn’t sound like something I’d do...

Me: Yes, it does. It absolutely does. Where are the gift receipts for these? They aren’t in the bag.

Rhys: No receipts? So weird...

Rhys: Look, you’re not supposed to share underwear with strangers. I wasn’t going to give you back the same ones. They’re just replacements for what you already had.

Me: Yeah, I don’t remember giving your sister any thongs.

Me: Or this black strappy thing.

Me: Garters. Wow.

This lace bodysuit is pretty though... I don’t even know how to begin putting this other thing on, it crisscrosses everywhere.

Rhys: Made me think of you.

Me: Why’s that?

Rhys: Because they’re dark and complicated to figure out.

Rhys: And really fucking sexy.

I’m thankful he can’t see the blush on my cheeks.
