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“All good questions,” Brent asserted. “When I took over here as police chief, I asked around to see if anyone knew her. No one admitted to it. Our best chance is getting DNA and tracking her family down that way.”

“As long as you understand that we’re websleuths now, not private detectives,” Lucien revealed.

Brent traded looks with Ethan before asking, “What’s the difference?”

Lucien grinned. “I don’t know, but websleuths seem to have more latitude. Our website’s up and running for anyone interested.”

“I don’t care what you call yourselves as long as you find this kid’s killer,” Brent reiterated. “I can’t stay for the book club. I’ve got a lead on Deming. Interpol thinks they’ve matched a guy living and working in the south of France as a general practitioner. According to authorities, one day in 2002, this guy showed up in the village with GP credentials.”

“Somebody turned him in,” Lucien guessed.

“Anonymous tip,” Brent validated.

“What happens next?” Brogan asked.

“Save me a piece of that cake,” Brent commanded as he got to his feet. He pointed at Ethan. “You come with me. If we bring down Deming, you’ll want to listen in to take notes for your book.”

Ethan grinned as he stood up. “See? It pays to have an inside track to the Chief of Police.”

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