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“I don’t know. When you put it like that, I’m not sure I want to rock the boat. Does my grandmother know that I’m not really a Brinell?”

“See? That’s the kind of stupid statement that makes me angry. You are a Brinell because Rachel raised you. Delia took over after she died. Your grandmother has been an integral part of your life. Every step you took, she was there. But ask yourself why she didn’t fight harder for custody after Rachel’s death.”

“Because she knew there were no blood ties to Rachel and Dad would win in court.”


“Do you know who my mother is?”

“Think of it this way. When a birth mom relinquishes a baby, there’s usually a story behind it, a sad one. That’s probably true for what happened here. Are you prepared for that kind of raw truth?”

“I don’t know,” Brogan repeated.

“Sleep on it. Maybe you’ll feel differently in the morning. Think long and hard before you set off on a quest that will surely change your life, upend your perspective, and challenge you to accept it whether you want to or not. Why? Because you needed the truth. But do you really? The life you have now isn’t so bad. Is it?”

“No. I have an amazing life, the one I always wanted.”

“Then leave it for another day.”

“That’s what Lucien said. Thanks, Scott.”

“You’re not like the others.”

“How so?”

“You’re always willing to talk, willing to see another side of a situation. You were never scared. You kept an open mind from the beginning.”

“Maybe that’s because I’d just lost my dad. I was looking for solace wherever I could find it. But you’re wrong about one thing. I was scared, afraid I was losing my mind. You tend to do that to a person.”

Scott grinned and rubbed his hands together in devilish delight. “I think I’ll go and try that on the new cop. It is Halloween, after all.”

Brogan started laughing. “There you go. Glad I could help.”

But Scott had already taken off.

She looked down and realized she was still wearing her Alice getup. She suddenly felt silly. “Are you ready to take a crazy ride through Wonderland, Brogan?” she asked herself. “The rabbit hole is there. All you have to do is jump in.”

“Who are you talking to?” Lucien asked from the doorway, wearing his boxers and rubbing his eyes. “Come to bed.”

She got to her feet with a smile on her face. After looping her arm through his, she kissed his cheek. “In case I didn’t tell you today, thanks for making me so happy.”

“Huh? No problem,” he muttered in a sleepy voice. “But you’ll be a lot happier in bed.”

“I know. I always am.”
