Page 19 of Not In The Proposal

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I grinned and pulled the documents toward me and began signing each page. It wasn’t the first time I’d signed a prenup. We worked together in silence, comfortable in each other’s company as we always had been.

It was a strange sort of comfort, I thought suddenly.

Mia was much younger than me, and when we’d first met I’d worried that we’d have more than just a language barrier. But she’d taken the bull by the horns, so to speak, and proved me wrong at every turn.

And this comfortable silence had existed for years.

It was something I was afraid to lose; not that I’d let her know.

Or anyone else, for that matter.

“Hmm, there’s that one,” Mia mumbled beside me, her brow creased in concentration. “And that one, o que é isso- ah, right.”

I smothered a smirk. Hearing Mia switch between two languages while she was deep in thought had always been so endearing. I loved it almost as much as hearing her dive head-first into a Portuguese rant when she was particularly irritated.

“All set?” I asked, handing her the signed prenup documents.

She blindly held out a hand for them and I slipped them into her palm. “Thanks,” she murmured. I watched as she shuffled all the pages together and slipped them into the file, a glint of satisfaction passing over her face. “I confirmed the appointment at the court for 9 am on Monday; thankfully Immigrations gave us a little time to get this done.”

“How magnanimous of them,” I drawled sarcastically. “I’m surprised they didn’t drag us to the court right then and there.”

“It’s okay,” Mia said cautiously, as if she was trying not to upset me. “I know it isn’t ideal but at least there’s time and this will all be a hilarious story ten years from now.”

“Reid! Over here!”

I turned around on the busy sidewalk and spotted Alex with one of her hands in the air.

“There she is,” I told Mia, who turned around as well. We weaved through the crowd until we finally reached Alex, and I pulled her into a hug.

“Thank you so much for doing this,” I murmured into her ear.

“Of course,” she responded, her fingers squeezing my shoulder in reassurance. She pulled away with a grin. “And you, Mia.”

Mia’s eyes widened before Alex suddenly hauled her into a hug. “This is a pretty big deal,” she said, rubbing the middle of Mia’s back. “You both okay?”

“Yes, we’re okay,” Mia said with a smile. “I’ll go on ahead and make sure everything is ready.”

“Yeah, sure,” I said, watching her jog up the steps in her heels.

“Could youbeany more obvious?”

My attention snapped back to Alex’s smug face and I scowled. “Obvious about what?”

Alex raised both her brows in disbelief, amusement sparkling in her eyes. “You’re kidding, right?” she scoffed.

“Alex, it is way too early to play these kinds of games, please.”

“You have feelings for Mia,” she said plainly, the words striking me square in the chest one by one.

“Feelings for Mia?” I repeated incredulously. “You and the girls have been on this bullshit for years now, aren’t you tired of being wrong?”

“Says the one standing on the steps of a court getting ready to marry Mia,” she pointed out.

I groaned. “To keep herhere.” I sighed, my palms prickling in discomfort. “I’ve already had this conversation with you.”

“I think there’s something more here,” Alex said, cocking her head to one side. “I think you’re toeing a very dangerous line right now.”

“What line?” I challenged.
