Page 20 of Not In The Proposal

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“The line between being professional and giving in to your feelings for her.”

“Alex, the entire reason we’re getting married is completely professional,” I insisted, struggling to keep the irritation from burning through me. “She’s my best employee, and a very dear friend. I need her here to help me run these companies. Why is that considered toeing a line?”

Alex shook her head and shot me a knowing look before turning to climb the court steps. “You’ll get it soon enough, I guess.”

I followed her into the cool interior of the courtrooms, the sudden silence after the din outside almost deafening. I chewed on the inside of my lip, more than a little peeved that Alex chose to bring the same bullshit up again and again, when I’d told them to leave it alone. Miawasmy very best employee, and she was also a friend I’d come to rely on. But nothing more. Nor would there ever be anything more than that.

Alex paused and turned back to me, her face a mask of seriousness.

“What now?” I grumbled.

She clicked her tongue but otherwise ignored my petulance. “Aren’t you a little under-dressed for the occasion?” she asked.

I looked down at my black suit and back up with a curled lip. “I’m dressed to go to work,” I said simply. “Which is where I’m going after this.”

“At least Mia’s a vision,” she said, and she rolled her eyes as she walked towards Mia.

Alex wasn’t wrong.

It wasn’t that Mia had dressed any differently; it was just that she somehow madeeverythingshe wore look immaculate.

Including the sheer black blouse she’d tucked into white linen pants.

She’d left her hair loose for once. She usually pulled her curls into a tight bun when she was working, but today they cascaded down her back and brushed her hips.

It was a little distracting.

I shook my head and joined them, clearing my throat to get their attention in the hushed hallways. “So, which room are we in?” I whispered.

Mia turned to look at me over her shoulder with a small smile. “Room 232,” she murmured back, handing me a copy of the sheet in her hands. “We’ll be escorted there in ten minutes.”

“So, do we just stand around here like fixtures or do we get to sit down?” Alex said, her voice carrying across the quiet area.

Mia giggled and held out her arm, gesturing to the seats behind us.

“Thank God,” Alex grumbled. “My bones are old.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I hissed, nudging her knee with mine. “You’re the same age as I am.”

“Yeah, but you get more exercise,” Alex pointed out.

“I spend most of my time testing video games,” I grumbled.

“Which you absolutely love, considering that industry is onlyoneof the many you’re in,” Alex retorted.

“Hey, I resent that,” I said.

“Enough,” Mia whispered, her hand fluttering over my thighs. “That’s us, let’s go.”

She got to her feet and Alex and I followed after her. We stopped outside a closed door, my palms beginning to sweat. Nerves jangled around in my gut like drunk butterflies, and I resisted the urge to shove my hands into my pockets.

“Right this way.” An official, who appeared out of nowhere, opened the door and ushered us inside one by one.

“Is this everyone?” he prompted. Mia nodded and he walked over to a desk. “And the ones entering into a civil union?”

“That would be us,” Mia said, looking back and reaching her hand back to me with the barest hint of hesitation.

Without missing a beat, I laced our fingers and stepped forward, sending her a reassuring smile.
