Page 44 of Not In The Proposal

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I couldn’t look at Reid. Not when my heart hammered away in my chest and my cheeks burned, my lips still tingling with the feel of hers.

“Oh, how splendid!” Mrs. Voss suddenly exclaimed, drawing our concerned gazes. “We have someone special joining us for lunch.”

She hopped to her feet and sauntered off toward the front door and I stared at Reid.

She watched me closely, her brows bunched in concern. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her eyes a little sad. “We never talked about making the marriage physical, but I know my mother. And she wouldn’t have let it go.”

I nodded, understanding, even if it left a bad taste in my mouth.

“I get it,” I told her. “I’m okay.”

She looked like she wanted to say more, but I wasn’t sure my heart could take it.

I cut her off. “So, lunch?” I repeated unsurely.

Reid blanched, as if just remembering what her mother had said before rushing off. “Someone special?”

We jumped to our feet and rushed after Reid’s mother, finding her opening the front door.

“Mom, wait a second,” Reid said, but her protests died on her tongue.

Another woman walked in, her long, golden hair falling forward in a sheet as she stooped to hug Mrs. Voss. She was stunning, achingly so, her style as chic as the arch of her perfect brows.

“Gwen!” she cried, her voice rich and melodic. “It’s been so long, I’m so glad to see you again.”

I tore my eyes away from the two women, something gnawing on my nerves. I looked at Reid, whose face had dropped, the twinkle in her eyes winking out.

“I’m so happy you could make it, Dani,” Mrs. Voss cooed, and I wished the floor would open up and devour me.

That was Reid’s ex-wife, the wife who had cheated on her with a very close friend. The ex-wife that Mrs. Voss was desperately trying to bring back into Reid’s life.

A vicious wave of possessiveness lashed through me, jealousy eagerly riding its coattails.

“What is she doing here?”

Not a question. No emotion.

“I know how much you used to love when I dropped by your office to surprise you.” Daniella giggled, and she was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at her.

I fought to swallow the sudden taste of battery acid burning at the back of my throat.

How could she act so blithe? Like she hadn’t ruined something precious to Reid?

And why did it set my stomach alight knowing that there was the slightest possibility that this woman knew Reid better than I did.

“Aw, isn’t that sweet, Reid?” Mrs. Voss cooed, her hand gently squeezing Daniella’s toned upper arm.

“Delightful.” Reid sneered.

“Let’s not stand in the entrance like savages.” Mrs. Voss laughed, clapping her hands together excitedly. “How about we fix some lunch and talk? I bet there’s a lot that needs to be aired out.”

Without another glance at Reid, Mrs. Voss and Daniella walked past us, chattering away about something I didn’t care to pay attention to.

“Are you okay?” I murmured, watching the emotions play out across Reid’s hardened expression.

“Fine,” she spat, and she stalked off after them.

I stood alone in the entrance hall, suddenly more out of place than I’d ever been in this massive house. I berated myself for thinking I could ask such a question. I wasn’t really Reid’s wife, and I had no right to ask her something personal, despite what was currently unfolding.
