Page 23 of Undaunted

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Gabe is waiting for me at a table by the window and he gets up when he sees me. “You look great. Looks like Virginia Beach suits you. You’ve even gotten some color,” he says as he pulls me in for a hug.

“I get to run outdoors now,” I say, laughing. “I’m not the gym rat I was back in Philly.”

“Your exams are all also done,” he says. “Must feel good, I’m sure.”

I grin. “It sure does. So how was your conference?”

“Boring but good,” he replies as the server arrives to take our order.

“I wish I could have met you earlier,” I say after the server leaves. “We could have taken a walk out on the Boardwalk.”

It had been Trevor’s suggestion that I take Gabe to Waterman’s Surfside Grill where he took me to last week. It’s known for great seafood and its signature drink, the Orange Crush, and it’s also right next to the Boardwalk with a perfect view of the lighthouse.

“Leigh beat you to it. She met me at Ocean Eddie’s for lunch and we could see the Boardwalk from there,” he says. “We can go for a walk later if you want. Looks like a popular spot for nighttime strolls.”

“We could do that, sure,” I say. “How’s the expansion?”

“It’s close to being finished.” He pulls out his phone. “I took pictures before I left yesterday.”

I’ve seen pictures of the clinic before, right around the time they were doing the build-out, but the latest ones Gabe took feature painted walls and furniture and equipment in the room. Suddenly I stop scrolling and stare at a suite I’ve never seen before. It’s empty except for a built-in counter and a wide low cushioned platform. “What’s this room for?”

“Never thought you’d ask.” Gabe is grinning from ear to ear. “It’s our future physical therapy clinic.”

“Since when did this happen?”

“Since the unit next door emptied out last month and it got me thinking about our patients who often don’t follow through on their referrals for physical therapy,” he replies. “Having one under the same roof will make it easier.”

The server arrives with our appetizers, crab soup for him and fried calamari for me. “That’s awesome.”

Gabe clears his throat when the server leaves. “Which means I’m going to need a physical therapist. You interested?”

I stare at him. “Are you offering me a job?”

He laughs. “Of course, I am. What do you think?”

“I still have to take the board exams.”

“You can start as soon as you get your results although I have no doubt you’re going to ace it,” he says. “The PT clinic should be open by then. All you have to do is say yes.”

“Of course, it’s a yes,” I exclaim. “Mama will be over the moon the moment I tell her. I mean, this is for real, right?”

“Of course, it’s real. Why wouldn’t it be?” He tears open a bag of crackers and sprinkles it into his soup. “So what’s been going on with you lately? Your mom tells me you’ve been too busy to talk to her during the weekends.”

“We still talk, although lately I don’t talk as long as I used to.” I stab one of the calamari rings with my fork and hold it out to him. “Want to try one?”

He takes it from the fork and pops it into his mouth. “It’s good,” he says after he swallows. “So are you seeing someone?”

My eyes narrow. “Did Mama ask you to ask me?”

Gabe shakes his head. “No, but now you’ve got me even more curious. Are you seeing someone?”

“What makes you think I am?”

“You’ve evaded the question twice already,” he says, chuckling. “If you try to avoid it again, then I know for sure that you are seeing someone.”

“Does it matter if I am?”

He brings up his hands, laughing. “And there you have it. Youareseeing someone.”
