Page 24 of Undaunted

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“He’s a neighbor. He knows both Leigh and me.”

“True, but he’s not dating Leigh, is he?” When I don’t answer, Gabe reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. “It’s me talking here, Claudia. Once upon a time, you and I shared everything.”

“You never talked about your conquests.”

He lets go of my hand and takes his spoon again, tackling his soup. “A gentleman never tells.”

“The girls did, though, among themselves,” I say. “Honestly, Gabe, you dated three at a time once. Did you think they wouldn’t compare notes and not call me after you broke up with them? They’re all very good friends now, by the way.”

“You know how the clinic always comes first for me, especially then when I was trying to make sure all the bills were paid,” he says, sighing. “But don’t change the subject. Who is he?”

I shrug. “A guy who lives two doors down.”

“What does he do?”

“He used to be in the Navy but he works in the private sector now,” I reply.

“Military contractor.” Gabe takes a sip of his drink. “Interesting.”

“He’s been showing me around Virginia Beach during the weekends.” Trevor and I spend most of the weeknights together, too, but Gabe doesn’t need to know that. Trevor even offered me a copy of his apartment key.

“You must like him because you’re blushing.”

“I would have to like him if I’m dating him, Gabe,” I say sarcastically although there’s no stopping the smile on my face. “And he invited me to go with him to a barbecue at his boss’ house this weekend.”

“Meeting his boss already?” Gabe says. “Sounds serious.”

“It’s just a barbecue. And we’re not serious.” I do my best to act nonchalant, but I know exactly what Gabe means. I’ve been agonizing about the barbecue ever since Trevor told me.

“True. But what if it becomes serious?” As Gabe finishes the last of his soup, the server collects our empty plates and returns with our entrees shortly after, a lobster tail dinner for him and miso-glazed salmon for me.

“I’m simply being realistic,” I say. “You know me and relationships. I always end up messing it up eventually. Usually in the grandest way that has people talking about it for years.”

“What if you don’t mess this one up?” Gabe says. “And who says you were the one who messed up your previous relationships?”

I sigh. “Come on, Gabe, you know what happened with Dax. You know how bad I messed that one up.”

“So you made a mistake.” Gabe sets down his knife. “Besides, how old were you then? Eighteen? It’s time to let that shit go.”

“I have.”

“So why did you mention it?” Gabe asks. “Look, you can’t let your past mistakes dictate the life you want to live. Let the shit go, Claudia.”

“I am living my life,” I say. “I’m finishing my internship. I’m graduating summa cum laude, and I’m going to take my board exams. Then I’ll work at this clinic of yours.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He picks up his knife again, eyeing the lobster tail on his plate. “Anyway, let’s eat. My lobster tail’s calling.”

* * *

After dinner, Gabe and I take a stroll on the Boardwalk. He asks me which places I’ve been around Virginia Beach and I tell him. The fishing pier, ViBe Creative Arts District, First Landing State Park, the Navy base.

“The Navy base? What were you doing there?” he asks, curious. “I thought you said he used to be in the Navy. So he’s still active?”

“He’s a contractor so he still has access to some of the areas.”

“What area did he take you to?”

“Where he works out,” I say. “He goes a few times a month to make sure he’s still got it, despite his injury.”
