Page 16 of Home to You

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If it hadn’t, where would I be now?

But I can’t think about what could have been when my present is perfect just the way it is.

And it’s going to get even better.

“Good morning,” Todd murmurs, his breath warm against the back of my neck as I set the phone down. “Or is it good afternoon?”

I roll on to my back to face him. “You tell me. What time is it?”

“About two in the afternoon,” he replies, lifting his head up to glance at the vintage General Electric alarm clock on the bedside table. It’s something we picked up at a thrift store somewhere during the tour, one with numbers that flips as it changes.

At our feet, Sarge continues to snore. He hasn’t left our side since we got home last night, even sticking close when we had to let him out to do his business.

“Chloe still updating you on the numbers?”

I chuckle. “Is she ever. She’ll get tired of it eventually.”

“You can’t blame her though,” Todd says. “She’s been waiting for this for a long time.”

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, too,” I say, my expression turning playful. “Only this time, I guess it’s not as exciting as other news.”

Todd feigns shock. “What could be more exciting than having your latest song top the charts?” When I cast him a knowing glance, he narrows his eyes. “Does this have something to do with you sneaking out with Alma early this morning? Because I know you were gone a while.”

“Maybe. And no, I didn’t sneak out with Alma. I snuck out to meet Alma outside,” I say. “She dropped something off for me.”

“At seven in the morning?”

“Yup.” I almost tell him that I needed it before my first morning pee but he doesn’t need to know the details. Not yet.

“Is this a surprise?” he asks. “Or am I supposed to guess?”

I could draw out the suspense but I’ve been holding on to the news for the last seven hours. But then, I didn’t have to wait that long if I really wanted to. I was just so tired that I fell back to sleep.

And that’s just one of the things that tipped me off that something was off.

“Remember when I kept complaining that my clothes were getting too tight and maybe I was eating too much junk food?” I pause, chuckling. “Well, I was eating a lot of junk food toward the end of the tour but that’s besides the point.”

When he nods, I reach for his hand and rest it on my belly. For a few moments, Todd is quiet, his brow furrowing as he watches me.

“Are you sure?” he asks and I nod.

I reach for a paper bag I’d set next to the bed and hand it to him. Todd pulls out a pregnancy test strip, his eyes widening as he sees the two pink lines on the test window.

“There’s another one in there. I had to be sure so Alma bought me two kits.”

As Todd pulls out the second one revealing the same result, tears cloud my vision. I hate it when I get emotional—another sign that should have clued me in after I’d convinced myself that stress from being on tour must have been the reason why I’d missed my period.

Todd’s focused on the test strips for a while before he finally looks up at me. He’s grinning, his eyes shining with joy. “We’re having a baby,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper. “You and me, Devyn. We’re going to be parents.”

I’m grinning, too, my heart beating fast with excitement. “Yeah, we are. Can you believe it?”

“When did you suspect?”

“We were so busy with the tour I didn’t notice I missed my period. Not even the second month,” I say. “It wasn’t until the last two weeks when my clothes started feeling tight and certain things would make me feel sick.”

“I remember that. You’d get nauseous right after eating.”

I nod. “But we were traveling so much I thought it was just motion sickness at first. I figured maybe being on the road was finally getting to me. And then there was the exhaustion, again something I attributed to the tour.”
