Page 18 of Galata and Nutmeg

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“I have a problem.”

I swear to God, if he’s expecting me to eject a girl from his hotel room, I will completely lose it.

“Where are you?”

“There was a party at Blair’s hotel.”

“I don’t think that’s necessarily a problem that requires a call in the middle of the night.”

“Under normal circumstances I’d agree, but things got a little crazy and…”


“Kaan? Are you there?”

“Blair’s just been arrested, and the press are everywhere right now.”

“Holy shit!” I’m out of bed like I’ve been launched by a giant spring. I cross the room to the bathroom, shutting the door softly so not to disturb the others. “Are you okay? What happened… tell me… why was she arrested?”

“I’m fine. Not sure exactly, but she was being dragged out of the hotel by police so whatever happened I’m guessing it’s not great.”

The press is going to have a field day with this!

Courtney wanders into the bathroom and pulls her shorts down to pee. I glare at her and go back into the sitting room, turning on a lamp to search for my jeans that I had kicked off before crawling into bed only a few hours earlier. “You’re joking, aren’t you?”

“Blair was off her head tonight.”

“Feck!” I moan into the mobile. “But you’re okay?”

“Never better, Brynn told me I need to lay low for a bit…”


“And the press knows where I live.”

“Makes sense.”


More silence.

“I’m outside…”

“Outside what?”

“Your place.”


“Are you usually a little bit of a numpty this early in the morning?”

“It’s four o’clock in the morning. Everyone’s a numpty at this hour!” I cross the room to the window and peek through the curtains. Sure enough, a black Mercedes is downstairs and Kaan staggers out lighting a cigarette. He’s clearly three sheets to the wind and falls back against the car. I try to ignore how the streetlights illuminate him from above, his chiselled jaw more pronounced as he sucks back on his cigarette, and instead concentrate on the obvious. “You’re here!”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

“Fuck me!”

“Normally that’s an offer I would never refuse but I think now’s not the time, Nutmeg.”

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