Page 21 of Galata and Nutmeg

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“I know your place is small.”

“A matchbox is small; my place is minuscule.”

“It’s just for a day or so until we can sit down and devise a plan.”

“A whole day?”

“Just one day!”

“I don’t have an option, do I?”

“Not really.”

I hang up and open my bathroom door. Kaan’s intense gaze bores into me as he drops into my tub chair, nearly toppling over as he goes.

This would be a lot easier if Kaan wasn’t such a wanker; a sexy as sin, obstinate, rude, wanker! “It looks like I’m stuck with you for a while.”

There’s a flinch in his expression. He’s not happy about being stuck with me either. “If I’m stuck here, I may as well make this a party. Where’s do you hide the alcohol?”

That’sthe last thing he needs. “Sorry, Pretty Boy. No alcohol. I’m skint.”

He boozy glare fixes on the three of us. “Fuck.”

Courtney’s head swings in my direction and then back at Kaan with mischievous grin. “This is going to be fun!”


A New Definition of the Term “Client Relationship.”


The drama never seems to end for Blair Roberts, does it? The model and actress was arrested last night in a fit of rage that would put the Hulk to shame. According to our sources, the incident occurred at the posh Brown’s Hotel, where Miz Roberts allegedly assaulted not one, but two police officers who had responded to a disturbance call.

Eyewitnesses report that Miz Roberts was threatening people with some sort of weapon when the officers arrived on the scene. When they attempted to intervene, a heated verbal exchange ensued before Miz Roberts allegedly punched one of the officers square in the face, causing a nasty injury below his left eye.

And just like that, Mis Roberts has officially joined the ranks of model bad girls. It seems like only yesterday she was the new face of Taranto Lingerie, now she’s got a rap sheet longer than her list of ex-boyfriends. Speaking of which, we can’t help but wonder where her current squeeze, Kaan, was during all of this.

Let’s hope the judge throws the book at Miz Roberts and teaches her a lesson about proper behaviour. And as for Kaan, he might just want to rethink his choices before getting too involved with this hot-headed bombshell.

I’m Pippa Ellis, and this is Fame and No-sense.

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Uncomfortable and awkward.

That’s the mood in my sitting room as the four of us eat a hastily-put-together breakfast with whatever bits I scrounged from my refrigerator.

Kaan is smearing questionable strawberry jam over his toast while Courtney, Nate and I, in varying stages of undress, sit crammed together on the sofa picking at our food.

“I guess we should talk about what happened.”

Kaan shrugs as he bites down on his toast. “I told you that woman was trouble.”

I haul my laptop onto my lap, ready to face this disaster head-on. I reluctantly dive into the abyss of my email inbox. Holy spamoly! The sheer magnitude of unread messages threatens to swallow me whole. Desperately, I narrow down my search to anything remotely Kaan-related. There it is, like a digital bombshell from Fame and No-Sense. “Blair’s been arrested as have another five people at the party.”

Kaan looks up, surprised at that little piece of information. “She was off her rocker, but I didn’t know about any of the others.”

“The press is going to have a field day with this shit.” A sudden headache forms in my temples. “They were all charged with possession of a controlled substance. Cocaine and marijuana. Blair was arrested for drugs, possession of a firearm and assault.”
