Page 23 of Galata and Nutmeg

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“What about me?”

“Holy crap, I’ve just realised—” Courtney leans in with a smirk. “You don’t know who you’re sitting opposite right now, do you, PSY?”

Kaan waves his toast menacingly at Courtney. “Is your friend trying to imply that I’m some kind of one-hit wonder? 50 million albums, I’ll have you know!”

“One-hit wonder? Washed-up has-been? You can pick whichever name you prefer, Bobby McFerrin.”

Kaan’s eyes flick between Courtney and I. “You’re the second person who has called me a ‘washed-up has-been’ recently.”

“Ignore her, Kaan. She’s got an evil temper before she gets her coffee.” I cross the room and grab the handle of a freshly brewed pot, quickly pouring a mug for my friend before a second mug for Kaan. “You look like you could use a bit more coffee as well.”

Courtney takes a large gulp, a grateful moan from her lips. “Now, where were we? Oh right, I was about to disclose Meg’s deep, dark, secret to you.”

I shoot Courtney a look. “Quit it, Courts.”

“What do you really know about our Meg?”

“I knowyourMeg ismysocial media strategist, although she’s doing a pretty shitty job at it right now. I know she can’t keep her hands to herself when she’s around me—”

“Not true.”

“—and I now know that she… and you… don’t like being woken up at 4AM.”

Courtney snickers as she continues to sip lovingly on her coffee. “All correct, but what you don’t know is that yourexcellentsocial media strategist is actually pretty famous in her own right.”

“Is that so?”

“I’m not.”

I elbow my friend in her side, but she waves me off. “This istheMeg Martin, you know, ‘Meg Martin is Single.’ You must have heard about her.”

“Wait a minute! Are you that girl that goes out on dates with all those pathetic pricks, and then writes about them?”

“Yes!” Nate relishes the idea of adding to my humiliation. “Meg has absolutely no standards when it comes to her dating life.”

“If that were true, Nate, you and I would have dated.”

“Oh yeah, I’ve read all about you!” Kaan stares at me for a moment before a shit-eating grin forms on his mouth. I’m starting to hate that mouth. “How did I not know this?”

“Because I didn’t tell you.”

“But I thought we had no secrets?”

Both Nate and Courtney love to torture me about my blog, and now they have someone new to do it with. “Did you read the one about the guy that told her he liked toeat ass and lick feet?”

“Or the guy who brought his girlfriend along in the hopes that Meg would get it on with her while he wanked!”

“Brynn should have led with this; I would have signed with Brazen on the spot!”

Kaan smiles, saccharine-like and I have an overwhelming desire to slap that expression off his face. “You were too busy acting like a complete prick!”

The smile is gone, and the all-too familiar scowl is back. “And you were too busy being a bitch!”

“Our Meggsy a bitch? Never.”

“I only tell the truth.”

Nate snickers, their bromance sealed. “But what I consider to be the pinnacle of Meg’s dating disasters was when she found out she had gone on a date with her cousin!”
