Page 37 of Galata and Nutmeg

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I snort. “Ugh, Jeffrey. He was a lawyer who liked to wear sweater vests.”

This time it’s Kaan who snorts. “You’re joking?”

“Sweater vests are hot.”

“Hotter than freckles?”

I can’t believe he remembers me saying that. My cheeks heat as he smirks at me.

Kaan rises and crosses back to my refrigerator grabbing a bottle of tequila and a couple of shot glasses before returning to his tub chair.

“Do we really need more alcohol?”

“This conversation calls for alcohol… plus you won’t let me smoke, so you’ve got to give me one of my vices.” I shoot him a harsh look as he twists off the lid. “So, what happened?”

“What do you think? I thought we were good together.” Kaan pours tequila before picking his up; I grab mine and do the same. “He thought it would be a good idea to string me along all the while he was engaged to the blonde bitch from intellectual property on level four. The worst part was that everyone in the office knew, except me.”

“Nowthatis a true love story.”

We tap our glasses together before throwing back some top shelf Patrón. “To a true love story.”

“I quit my job on the spot.”

Kaan shakes his head as he pours us both another shot. “Never dip your wick in the office ink.”

“And yet here I am, in a—” I draw quotation marks in the air, “—relationshipwith you. My client!”

We lift our glasses again and throw back another. I make a face this time. Tequila is not my drink of preference. “Strictly business.”

Kaan lets out a small laugh and tilts his head toward the family photo above the television. “Is everyone in your family a crazy redhead?”

“Yup. My poor dad didn’t know what he was in for when he married my mum.”

“Are your parents still together?”

“They are. And still blissfully happily in love.” My eyes meet his and linger there. “My family is an anomaly. When a Martin marries, we marry for life.”


“I think it’s the family motto or something. My parents and all four of my sisters… blissfully happy. When mum heard about you this morning, I’m certain she nearly had a heart attack.”

“I’ve never met anyone truly in love.”

“I call bullshit on that!”

Kaan is staring at me with an almost fascinated smile. “You say love is all about friendship and intimacy, to me love … real love… is wild, and passionate. It should be fucking epic, otherwise it’s just a waste of time.”

“Really deep coming from ‘Mr Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am’.”

“I think you deserve wild, passionate love, Nutmeg.” The energy in the room shifts. Kaan lifts his glass and throws back his tequila, but his gaze doesn’t break from mine. “So, what now?”

“Now?” The alcohol is making my head feel fuzzy and Kaan’s words even more so. The asshole rock star persona is much easier to deal with than this somewhat charming, beautiful-looking man sitting in my tub chair, giving me the tingles. “Now is all about me, and my career… assuming I don’t end up getting fired because I’ve got a client that doesn’t listen to me. And I’m thinking about writing a book.”

“What about?”

“Life. Love. Everything you don’t really think is real.”

“I’ll be the first person to buy it!”
