Page 95 of Galata and Nutmeg

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Ginny takes a deep breath, her eyes shining with emotion. “I do.”

We erupt into cheers and applause as Gary proudly declares, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

As Ginny and Aydin share their second first kiss as a married couple, I can’t help but feel a little envious. Their love is so pure and palpable, it’s hard not to get swept up in the moment.

But as I steal a glance at Kaan, I remember that I have my own love story in the making. Our eyes lock and he puts his hand over his heart, thumping it a few times. It’s a small gesture, and I smile as he makes his way through the crowd to my side.

“This will be us one day,” he says, his eyes meeting mine.

Marriage? I never would have guessed he was thinking about it so soon. But as I look into his eyes, I can see the sincerity in his gaze. And I know, without a doubt, that I want this too. “I hope so, I really do.”

He leans in and touches his lips to mine, the kiss gentle yet heady. If feels like a proclamation of his love for me. “I only tell the truth.”

The mix of cultures at the wedding and its after-party is incredible. The abundance of food and drink is something I’m definitely not used to, but I’ve been enjoying every bite and sip. And the dancing… oh, the dancing. I’ve never danced so much in my life.

The Turkish band begins to wind down and the DJ takes over. Michael Bublé’s smooth voice fills the air, and Kaan takes my hand. I smile, a swirl of nervousness and excitement coursing through me as we start to sway to the music. Kaan twirls me into his chest and guides my hands around his neck. We dance two songs when his mobile began to vibrate in his pocket. I know he’s trying to ignore it, but it’s starting to become a distraction.

“Why don’t you answer your phone? It could be important.”

I can feel the tension in his body as he considers my words. His eyes search mine for a moment, as if he wants to say something, but then he turns and walks away. I watch him go, feeling a sense of unease settle over me.

What was that about?

Before I can think too much about it, Leyla grabs my hand and drags me back onto the dance floor. The music distracts me for a while, but my mind keeps returning to Kaan’s strange behaviour. I catch glimpses of him through the open gate, talking on the phone. Who on earth is he speaking to?

After a few more songs have passed, I make an excuse to Leyla and leave her dancing, quickly making my way across the courtyard to the gate. I poke my head outside, hoping to spot Kaan, but he’s nowhere to be seen. A knot forms in my stomach as I start asking around. No one has seen him.

Panic sets in as I race back to our room and throw open the door. My heart sinks as my eyes dart around the room. His bag, his clothes, and every trace of his being here is gone.

Kaan has left the building.


Humiliation Is A Visual Medium


I can’t even begin to process this.

Blair Roberts has been found dead in her London apartment.

According to a press release from the Metropolitan Police, an ambulance was called to Ms. Roberts’ Richmond apartment at 8:05pm today, and she was pronounced dead at the scene. The circumstances surrounding her untimely passing are still being investigated and at this stage, it is being treated as unexplained.

This is so unbelievably devastating on so many levels.

Our sincerest condolences go out to her family, friends, and loved ones during this impossibly difficult time.

I’m Pippa Ellis, and this is Fame and No-sense.

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Blair Roberts is dead.

I try to process the news of Blair’s death. It’s hard to believe. And as my mind returns to the phone call Kaan had received last night, my stomach turns. Did Blair reach out to Kaan for help? Did she tell him what she was going to do? Is that why he disappeared without a word to me or anyone else?

I need to know more, so I pick up my mobile and dial Brynn’s number. She answers on the second ring.

“What happened?”
