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Because she’s fucking beautiful, and I’ve lost my mind.

I need to get a grip.

I do not need her flirting with me, making suggestions, and eyeballing me. My dick can only take so much, and picturing her face last night while I jerked off only makes me more ashamed that I can’t keep my thoughts under control.

What is the matter with me?

I can’t be an asshole to her just because I suddenly don’t know how to react around her anymore, it’s foolish. I need to find a way to get past this ridiculousness and go back to what we were before.

This?I don't know whatthisis, and that’s what’s scaring me the most.

I watch as she tosses her hair over one shoulder. She’s so natural. So honest in her affection for people. So naturally beautiful. She doesn’t need to wear makeup like she always does, either. In fact, she’s prettier without all that shit on her face. And when she laughs, she laughs with all her heart.

I wonder what it’s like to be able to laugh like that, without demons haunting you.

Valentina is sunshine to my cloudy day.

I shake it off. I’m allowing myself to be distracted and confused by her and that simply won’t do. I can’t do my job here properly if I can’t keep the focus on what I’m here for in the first place.

The dynamic has shifted between us, but I’m trying to hold on to my resolve with both hands. Yet every time I fucking look at her, it starts to slowly slip through my fingers once again.

Leaving me back at square one and more annoyed with myself than ever.

I don’t allow myself to become unglued by a woman.

My last relationship was eighteen months ago, and it lasted for a year.

I don’t do relationships well; I always end things. Not because of any particular reason, but I’ve never met a woman that I thought I could spend my life with or see a significant future with. This is the way it has always been.

Still, I watch her entertain her friends as they laugh and talk and enjoy their morning.

Valentina has worked incredibly hard, and she deserves this weekend to herself.

I know she hasn’t been out with her friends in months, throwing everything she has into her business, and I meant what I said; I admire her for that. I respect it. She’s trying to make a name for herself without relying on the Medici name to prop it up.

Everyone knows the Medicis. You can’t live in Boston and not know who the King is, and Angelo has people everywhere. He’s a very powerful man.

We’ve known each other for a good many years, and although we don't always agree on everything, he’s my best friend and the only one who knows me. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Hence why I feel guilty about having these illicit thoughts about Valentina.

As I watch her, I wonder how it is possible that I’ve kept my distance all these years. As much as her sass annoys me, she also makes me laugh, and she tells it like it is.

She calls me out. Nobody else I know does that, aside from Angelo, but seeing as he’s my boss and also my best friend, that’s kind of a given.

Just as I’m thinking it, my phone rings.


It’s like he has a sixth sense and I refrain from rolling my eyes.

“Angelo,” I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. “What are you doing up so early?”

“I could say the same about you,” he replies. “Eight fifteen on a Saturday, that has to be a new record.”

I smirk. “You know your sister, she likes to fit as much as she possibly can into a couple of days. Since I’m tagging along for the ride, I evidently have to follow where she goes at stupid times of the morning.”

“Where are you now?”

“Carlos restaurant, eating a bagel with smoked salmon and cream cheese that cost twenty-eight dollars.”
