Page 109 of Fortress of the Brave

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We suit up, pulling bulletproof vests on and arming ourselves. As I have said, I don’t enjoy carrying a gun, yet I’ll use it if I have to.

We approach the suburban house with a slightly dilapidated garden.

“Not much for housekeeping,” Enzo mutters as we sneak into the yard.

We meet with one of the head soldiers, Garrett, who briefly tells us the man is inside and has been for several hours. There’s no one else inside the building from what they can gather.

“We need to move in. Two soldiers will bust the door in, two at the rear, and one at each side in case he decides to run,” Garrett says.

Darko, technically in charge since he’s the head soldier, agrees. “He’s not to be shot on sight. Remind the men.”


“Let’s move,” I say. Eager to get this over and done with.

“This feels all too fucking easy,” Fynn comments as Garrett instructs his guys via an earpiece and leads the way with another soldier.

I agree with Fynn and don’t like it when he’s right. Even though he may be my annoying twin, his intuition is very rarely wrong.

That’s what scares me.

I feel it in the pit of my stomach as everything unfolds in a matter of seconds.

We approach the front door as Garrett counts to three on his fingers, and then they’re storming the place. I hear yelling as we enter behind Garrett and Darko.

“Don’t do it!” I hear someone yell.

The first thing I see are several tables piled up with bricks.

That alone does nothing to settle my rattling nerves.

The guy is on the ground, with Garrett's boot on his back, a rifle pointed at his head. Enzo and Fynn approach him, pointing their guns.

“Check out the rest of the house,” Enzo says to me and the remaining soldier. “Just to be sure.”

We meet the other two soldiers coming from the back door, and they quickly sweep the back bedrooms, while the other soldier and I sweep the adjoining rooms. We’re just about clear when I hear a noise from behind us. The unmistakable sounds of the cocking of a gun. I spin around the same time as a soldier, whose name I don’t remember, and we see a half-naked woman sitting on the ground in the corner of the adjoining living room that’s hidden quite well in the dark.

“Fuck.” I raise my gun about a second after she points hers at me.

They said nobody else was in here.She must have been hiding.

The soldier sees it unfold before I can even blink and then he lunges toward me trying to shield me from the bullet. I fire, too, but she got the drop on me and I’m a second too late.

It’s so fast that I’m not even sure if I’ve been hit.

Seconds later, it hurts like fuck. Thankfully, I’ve got my bulletproof vest on, and this wasn’t a shot to the head, just a graze. I feel my shoulder start to hurt like fuck.She fucking shot me.

Soldier boy knocks me to the ground, but she’s already dead. Unlike her, I don’t miss. Straight to the freaking head.

She lays slumped back on the wall as I call out for Fynn.

Within seconds he and Enzo appear.

“Fuck!” Fynn yells when he sees me. “Fuck, Enzo, he’s been shot.”

“I can fucking see that,” Enzo says as our soldier gets back on his feet and walks over to check on the woman, ensuring she’s dead.

“It’s just a graze,” I say, wincing.
