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I smile, it may just be a Cobb salad, but it’s one of the best in the city.

“God, I love New York,” I say.

“I do, too. I always will.”

I try not to feel sad inside that this may be one of the last lunches we have at our favorite restaurant.

I don’t want to be negative about it, but I don’t want her to leave.

I like things as they are, even if that sounds selfish. I don’t like change.

I eat, even though there’s a nagging feeling of doom in the pit of my stomach that I just can’t shake.

* * *



“You so need to get laid.” My twin brother, Fynn–older by five minutes– tells me in no uncertain terms. He’s good like that, always shooting his mouth off with no thought to the consequences of his actions.

I don’t take offense to much of the garbage that comes out of his mouth, to be honest. I’m used to it by now. It’s how we are; we annoy the shit out of each other.

“Thanks for your observation,” I tell him. “One that wasn’t needed and couldn’t be further from the truth.”


“Don’t you have anything better to do?”

He shrugs. “Actually, no. And I don’t know why you’re getting your panties in a twist. I’m just stating the truth, bro. There’s a horde of women at your disposal every single night, but you choose to pour over your precious plans with Marco instead.”

Marco is our older brother, who runs the commercial and real estate side of the family business. He's second in line to the throne, so to speak. Angelo is the eldest, the Don of Boston, and dictates most of what is done in the family business.

“It’s called a living, Fynn,” I tell him. “Youmight like to try it.”

“I work hard enough,” he retorts, to which I almost choke on my coffee.

We’re sitting in our family-owned club, Bijou. It’s closed during the day, though I use the daylight hours to get away from the office, as no one bothers me here. Well, almost no one.

My brother always seems to be able to find me.

I’ve been reviewing some new designs for the boutique apartments I’ve been helping Marco with. We love to do this: buy vacant land to build on or buy old buildings to renovate or tear down, and rebuild.

That’s precisely what we intend to do on the latest project. Marco is busy overseeing our new casino that’s been years in the making, The Royale. It should open this year.

I’ve been Marco’s sidekick on his other projects, and we work well together. We’ve just started talking about submitting the planning approvals, so we can get the permits to do what we want to do with the space. One thing is certain, it’s going to be luxurious.

“You seem to have enough time on your hands to worry about me getting my dick wet,” I mutter.

“Just looking out for my little brother,” he retorts, rolling his eyes. “Didn’t realize that was a crime in this family.”

We party together, though due to my work commitments, those wild nights are now few and far between.

We’re twins, but not identical. Though we’re both six foot, that’s where our similarity ends. While I have the Medici dark hair and olive complexion, Fynn is blonde and blue eyed. Our personality and tastes could not be more different either. He’s outgoing and has a sunny attitude that the women love, while I am a little more reserved. Plus, he’s a total man-whore while I’m more selective.

We fight a lot and annoy each other, but he's also my best friend.

I don’t want to admit it but Fynn is right; I haven’t been with a woman in a while, not that I would admit that to him, of all people.
