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The mess to clean up after tonight’s blood bath will be massive. The only good fortune in all of this is that everyone inside Fortress, including our mother and Fynn, were safely locked in the panic room and nobody actually got inside. The whole point behind Fortress is to house the Familia when trouble strikes. It did its job.

I’m not even sure at this point how the annihilation of the Rhode Island Triad family will go unnoticed. That’s another matter for discussion after a stiff drink.

My thoughts keep drifting back to Mia. I can’t fucking stop thinking about her and haven’t for months.

Nothing has happened between us, although I’ve been keeping an eye on her. We’ve talked, but not had any deep conversations, which I doubt she’s ready for. The more time that goes by, the more she seems to be coming out of her shell and enjoying life again.

There’s a spark between us, and even though she hasn’t confirmed it, I know it’s there.

It’s been there since the day she was rescued.

It churned my stomach to see how she was that day. It’s the thing of nightmares. I haven’t been able to stop obsessing over it, and each time I do, I want to hit something really fucking hard.

She briefly went to New York, but even her friends have yet to learn what happened. They still think she had the fucking flu and lost her cell phone.

The details of her mysterious disappearance for all those weeks would always be a conversation shrouded in secrecy. Since Mia was never named, the shootout was played down on the news. Angelo gave a statement that he was being blackmailed, and in spite of all of that, the smuggling syndicate was shut down. Those that weren’t already dead, will rot in prison.

Prison is too fucking good for those guys.

Mia listens to what Rayne says. That’s one thing I’ve noticed. The two are very close.

When we found her, I remember glancing at Mia’s wrists, damaged by the rope tightly wrapped around them. The worry etched on Rayne’s face, the pain and suffering they’ve both been through. I’m not afraid to say I feel it down to my toes.

Mia captivated me from day one, and now I feel like it’s my duty to protect her. To make sure she lives her life in relative peace where nobody will hurt her.

And I’ve been doing that for months. I always have a guard nearby, even though she doesn’t know it. It’s my way of reassuring myself that nothing bad will happen to her ever again when I can’t be around. And trust me, I make every excuse in the book to be around her, like a fucking stalker.

At least I’m a stalker with good intentions.

I still feel a rage inside me when I think about what they were orchestrating and how much our own mother must have suffered when she was in a similar situation all those years ago.

The kind of rage Angelo felt when Rayne was being blackmailed.

The kind of rage Marco felt when Katiya was held hostage.

The same kind of rage Rocco felt when Sloane had a hit on her and the Triads tried to kill her.

The same kind of rage every Medici felt when Valentina was in that same restaurant as Sloane. Our baby sister.

It’s the kind of rage I feel for a girl I don’t even know.

I still know very little about her, even though I stayed at Fortress for a time and got very good at beating Angelo in chess.

I know she liked it out there in Falmouth. The few times I saw her, she looked more relaxed.

I even cooked, though Angelo prefers to have a chef do it. However, I took the keys to the banquet hall. I’m a good cook, and slowly but surely, Mia started to fill out a little and put some color back in her cheeks. I’m not saying my fettuccine did that, but ma’s recipe is second to none.

The truth is, I enjoyed the break from work. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t know how to relax, a lot like Marco. I can’t remember the last time I took a vacation, but that felt like one.

Being with Mia, just in her presence, soothed something within me. We didn’t do much talking, she kept to herself but it was enough for me to just be near her and that’s how fucked up I am.

I guess Falmouth has a country charm that is so lacking in everyday life.

Angelo and Rayne grew very close. He’s told us, Valentina, and ma that she’s the one. Rayne and Marco are on much better terms now. Angelo does nothing by halves, and the fact he found a woman to share his life with after so much heartbreak and bloodshed, well, let’s just say it’s been a long time coming.

I glance at him now as we walk, his jaw set tight. I know he wants to get back to Rayne.

Marco, Enzo, Rocco…they all want to get back to their women, and all I can think about is Mia.
