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“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I thought it was best that I stay away. You work for me.”

“Right, frightened little bird. I got it.”

I shake my head. She’s stubborn when she’s mad—got that loud and clear.

“Just…let’s go to the car. We’re making a scene.”

I reach for her elbow as we cross the street towards Rayne and Darko, only Mia shrugs out of my grip. And now her sister just has witnessed the whole exchange.

“Mia?” Rayne says when we get to the car. “What’s going on?” Her eyes glance at me as she frowns.

“Ask Dante,” she says, opening the car door and ducking inside.

I run a hand through my hair. “That asshole tried to kiss her, and she didn’t want him to, so I intervened,” I say. “And I was reminding her that it’s my job to take care of her, whether she likes it or not. Which she obviously doesn’t.”

Darko avoids my gaze. Undoubtedly, he may have picked up that there’s more to the story than meets the eye.

He keeps his mouth shut.

“And I reminded him that I don’t need a babysitter!” Mia calls from inside the car.

Rayne frowns. “I’m sorry,” she says quietly. “This move has been really stressful on her. I’ll talk to her. You did the right thing. She’s still very fragile.”

“And she has a temper.”

Rayne winces, giving me a pat on the arm. “The Michaelsons are known for that, I’m afraid.”

I roll my eyes as Rayne climbs in the back. She’s got no fucking clue about a temper.

I avoid Darko’s gaze as I move to the driver's seat and start up the truck.

It’s going to be a long fucking night.

* * *

I glance in the rearview mirror, not that I need to. You could cut the air with a knife. Mia looks out the window, avoiding everyone.

Darko makes no sudden moves, but he’s good at being stoic.

“Mia,” Rayne says softly. But Mia shrugs her off.

“I’m fine,” she replies, staring out the window.

I don't know what she’s so mad about. I know for a fact she’s not into Tom. He’s the one she should be mad at, not me.

I weave through traffic as silence fills the car.

I don’t ever remember being this anxious or annoyed about something in my entire life. And she doesn’t seem to care. For the second time, I didn’t get a chance to tell her what I was feeling and why I ghosted her. I guess in her eyes you’re not allowed to make a mistake. The only thing I regret is not going to her sooner. By staying away, I thought that it would be best, so I didn’t get too close…I know she has the power to make me fall hard, and because of that, I was protecting myself. What an idiot.

If it’s a war she wants, well, I’m not taking the bait. The only fight I want is one between the sheets where she’s wrapped around me.

I pull up to the valet, still seething. I hand the keys to the attendant and open the back door. Rayne is on my side, so Darko opens Mia’s door. At least he gets a thank you.

The elevator is awkwardly silent as it ascends.

“Mia, what’s going on? Why was Tom trying to kiss you?” Rayne says in a hushed tone.
