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She looks at Marco. “Ask Katiya,” she says. “Ask her who Nadia is, if you don’t believe me.” He frowns but says nothing, so she plows on. “The truth is, I don’t even want to be part of this, but Aleksi had no other way…You’re all being watched, as is Aleksi and his men.”

“Who the fuck by?” Fynn barks as Marco holds a hand on his shoulder.

“Colombians who had a deal with Rombaldi’s men,” she says, stunning all of us. If she really is telling the truth. “They’re out for blood because of the shipment that never came with the drugs that were on board.”

“Wait?” I say to Angelo. “What the fuck do the Colombians have to do with this? As far as we knew, the shipment was the women on board, bound for the Middle East.”

Angelo’s eyes meet mine. “There was only a small amount of drugs found on board, and the Feds made a big song and dance about it for the media…this had nothing to do with…” he trails off.

“I’ll talk to Enzo,” I mutter. “Find out why none of this was uncovered.”

“I don’t know any of that, but right now, it was my job to inform you and make sure you understand. When Aleksi can be in touch, he will be, but you have to understand that this goes way beyond the feds or politicians.”

“I need to talk to Aleksi.” Angelo points at her. “Now.”

“Well, you can’t right now. That’s why I’m here.”

“They’ll be looking for ways to hurt the family,” Marco mutters to Angelo. “The women…”

“This is fucked, after everything they’ve been through already,” Fynn says, the worry already etched on his face. “After the fucking Triads…”

“Know this, the Colombians have no morals, no code of ethics. They’ll make what the Triads did to Fortress seem like a Boy Scout excursion.”

Angelo gives her a look. “I thought you knew nothing about ‘mafia’ business.”

“I watch the news,” she replies. “Mob business is all over this city. All you have to do is turn on the television.” She’s fucking right, and we all know it. “You need to watch your backs,” she goes on.

“We’re already watching our backs!” Angelo barks.

“Trust me when I say you need to watch them now more than ever, Mr. Medici. Nothing is off-limits with these people. Aleksi wants Katiya safe, and in return, he will help dissect what’s going on. That way, you can hit them head-on before they hit you.”

“Motherfuckers,” I hear Marco mutter.

It was too fucking good to be true that this all could be over. For once, I thought we could have peace, at least for a while.

“The fact you’re all here together is the perfect opportunity for them to strike,” she says. “That’s what Aleksi had to say.”

“We should all leave separately as soon as possible,” Marco says, running a hand through his hair.

I see Angelo’s nostrils flare. There is no way he likes being given orders from anyone, especially from a woman nobody knows. She could be leading us into a trap or spinning bullshit for all we know.

“I’ll heed your warning, Nadia, and let it be known that if you’re in this to try to take us down or if you’re playing us in any way, may I suggest you take a one-way ticket to Hell? That would be a pleasantry compared to the kind of hell I’ll deal out, if you fuck with me.”

“I understand, Mr. Medici.”

I study her face for an intense moment. She appears very calm and collected and could even be telling the truth.

“Tell Petrov I’ll be in touch,” Angelo mutters. “And that I need to speak with him urgently.”

She nods and makes her way back inside. She turns her head when she’s at the doorway, her hand on the door handle. It takes some fucking guts to do what she did in here today, that’s if she isn’t some imposter looking for a quick fix. “Look after each other,” she says, giving us all a once-over. It’s a look of admiration, respect. “Family is everything.” She slips through the door and disappears.

“We need to get the fuck out of here!” I say as soon as she’s gone.

Angelo briefly informs Rocco of the conversation. He’s been monitoring security from the front of the building. And it’s too fucking late to call for backup.

“You need to cut your fucking check first,” he tells me. “I have another car on the way as we speak. I’ll inform Enzo as soon as we’re out of here. We need to lock down again.”

“You believe this woman?” Fynn interrupts with his hands on his hips.
