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“Does this have anything to do with that explosion downtown? Everyone’s talking about it.”

He sounds tired when he answers, “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

My eyes go round. He’s never been to my apartment before.

After our sexcapades over my birthday weekend, and how we both declared ‘I love you’s’ - having a breather from him for a day has only cemented the fact that I’m head over heels.

I can’t get enough.

My body aches for him.

When my phone rang, and I saw it was him, my chest lurched. I’ve missed him, and it’s not even been twenty-four hours.

“Okay,” I say as he hangs up, and I start to do a quick tidy-up of my apartment that I’ve let get a little messy since I got back. I shove a load of laundry on and quickly make my bed. Not that we’ll be staying here, but I don’t want him to think I’m a slob, if he sees my unmade bed.

I throw some stuff into my duffle bag and pack some nice underwear and my best pajamas.

Then I stop.

What am I doing?

Dante says jump, and here I am jumping. A part of me wants to resist, and I know I should be asking more questions about what the hell he’s talking about. Then the other part of me knows he’d never put me in harm’s way.

When I hear the knock on the door exactly fifteen minutes later, I open it with wild abandon.

He stands before me in his dark gray suit and a shirt that probably was crisp white when he left his apartment this morning. His tie is slightly skewwhiff and his hair is disheveled. He still takes my breath away.

“My god, Dante,” I breathe, looking him up and down. “Could you get any more gorgeous?”

Here I am, lazing around in my sweats, and he looks like he should be starring in a Gucci campaign.

A slow smile spreads across his face. “What about you? You’d look good in a paper bag,” he says, his eyes moving down my body.

I laugh out loud. “Liar. But I still like the compliment.”

“Are you okay?”

I nod. “Yes, but what about you, what happened?”

He shrugs. “Soon.”

I pull him by the lapel of his dinner jacket, and our lips crash together.

“Been thinking about you all day,” he groans, cupping my face in a way that makes me feel special. “I can’t get you out of my goddamn head.”

I smile against his mouth. “Me too.”

He stops himself, pulling back, and closes his eyes for a few moments. Then says, “Not here. We’re going to the casino.”

“Ooh, that sounds exciting!” I say. “Is this why I have to pack a bag?”

He frowns. I guess not.

“The short answer is yes.”

“And the long answer?”

He rubs his chin. He has a clean-shaven, gorgeous face, and today is no exception. My panties are wet just from seeing him in his suit, let alone what he’s got going on underneath all those layers.

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