Page 75 of Charm Me Not

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The first picture was of me, right here in the stands, elbows on my knees, eyes glued to the field. It could have been taken any time within the last hour or so.

That alone wouldn’t be an issue—again, who cared if I was at a game my father coached?

But the second picture… that was the final straw.

A picture of me, taken from the outside of a classroom window, the blinds blocking most of the picture.

But not enough of it.

It was clear as day that Charlie had his arms around me, my lips on his.

The caption wasn’t long.The long-awaited part two. We didn’t take Una Nielsen to be a glass slipper wearing gal, but it seems she found her Prince Charming. Looks like we’ve moved past the crush stage, though. These two look like they’re aboard a relation-ship already.

“Una,” Malia whispered, elbowing me. I jerked, almost dropping my phone. Looking at her with a face full of panic, I found her deadpan look staring back at me.

She wasn’t panicking. Why wasn’t she panicking? I was panicking enough for the both of us.

No, she seemed completely cool and calm, as if my entire life wasn’t imploding in front of her.

“You need to get out of here. Andfast.”

She was right. The whispers around us already started. I peered out at the field, finding everything out there going on as normal. Like nothing happened.

I stood, and the murmurs got louder. Not loud enough to muffle the cheers and roars for the game, but sufficient to make me paranoid.

I tried to tune them out as I flew down the bleacher steps and down the stairs. Thanks to my business, I knew my way around the area under the stands well enough to make a mad dash.

After locking the doors as soon as I got into my car, I threw it into drive and peeled away, not looking back.

I had no destination in mind. Nowhere specific to go. I just knew I needed leave the stadium and get away from prying eyes.

Being the center of attention was the worst place to be. I strived to stay away from it as much as possible, but now?

I couldn’t avoid it.

Chapter 28


The second Iran out onto the field, I felt it. I felther.

The energy was different with this game and not just because it was the playoffs. I tried not to make it obvious that I was scanning the stands as we made our way around doing a few last-minute stretches and warm-ups.

I didn’t find her right away. It wasn’t until about halfway through the first half that I caught a glimpse of her, almost hiding in the corner next to Malia.

After that, I was onfire. No one could stop me, and I scored the only goal of the game just minutes later.

Every pass was done with perfect execution. Every play went smoothly. There was nothing stopping us and we won in the end, shutting out the other team, one to zero.

As soon as the ref’s whistles ended the game, I stole a glance at the stands.

She was gone.

But that was okay. I planned on texting her later and ask to meet up. There was no way I wasn’t going to see her after a game like today. After she came for me.

The energy was high heading back to the locker room, the coaches going over plays, and my teammates slapping backs, shouting, and yelling.

I was the last one in, having taken a moment to run back to the field and ask the ref for the ball. I wanted the team to sign it and put it in the locker room. Winning that game was the farthest the Fairview-Teller soccer team had gotten in years. Even if we lost the next game, it was still an accomplishment.
